CR Name Type Size Alignment Environment Tags 8 "The Demogorgon"Infernal Machine Rebuild Giant Large Chaotic Neutral 1/4 AarakocraMonster Manual (2014) Humanoid(aarakocra) Medium Neutral Good Mountain 1/8 Aarakocra SimulacrumStorm King's Thunder ...
Don’t be fooled – there’s even more to learn in our completeDnD Mimic 5eguide. Displacer Beast CR 3 Known for their sleek panther-like appearance and unique gimmick that makes them appear to be several feet away from where they’re actually lurking, aDisplacer Beast 5eis a wily predato...
Maybe you have your own custom setting and the official DnD monsters don’t quite fit in, or your players might be experienced enough to know what all the monsters can do. By creating new ones, you’ll re-infuse a true sense of wonder to your world! How to create your own Dn...
DND 5E Rules: Players can adopt as characters from different Races or Classes described in the game rules and are supervised byDungeon Masteror in short DM. TheDMhimself isn’t a player but a storyteller who also keeps an eye on all types of monsters and other characters the player may co...
Today’s post concerns the second subclass of the Sekiro DnD project, a Rogue archetype inspired by Lady Butterfly. I know last time I said that Part 8 would concern more Combat Arts, but… 5e DnD, 5e Dungeons and Dragons, 5e Homebrew, 5e rogue, butterfly rogue, Dnd Homebrew, dnd home...