You’ll find all the best 5e monsters in our guide – plus DM advice on how to run them, potential tactics and their general role in the game. We’ve organized our favorite monsters by Challenge Rating (CR), so you’ll find weak little guys at the start and endgame boss monsters at...
(For fancy stuff from the DMG, if it boosts "defensive CR", add 1/2 that amount to total CR. If it boosts effective AC, add 1/4 that amount to total CR.) For monsters above CR 20, you have to divide the CR by 2 and add 10. ... This doesn't help with sub-1 CR m...
Like manyDungeons and Dragonsfans, I’m currently part-way through a close reading of the new Monster Manual. The new, high-CR monsters have me excited to draft some new encounters, and I’ve spotted many balance tweaks that warm my Dungeon Master heart. However, there’s one single sente...
阿克查扎 122 5 泥形雪怪 149 9 冻寒之雾 82 15 罗刹石巨兽 147 怪物 Monsters 怪物 Monsters 怪怪物物 MMoonnsstteerrss 伏龙兽(AmbushDrake) 伏龙兽(AmbushDrake) 伏伏龙龙兽兽((AAmmbbuusshhDDrraakkee)) 伏 伏 伏伏 龙 龙 中型龙类 龙龙 生命骰:7d12+28(73hp) 先攻权:+6 这种类龙生物约有成年...
allow all of the players to make characters using monsters of that CR.Treat the monster’s CR ...
Subclass Statblocks - Also includes CR ratings for each subclass Encounter Tools for building encounters D&D Beyond: Monsters Kobold club encounter builder Poison generator Monsters by Challenge Rating 1.0 Monsters by Type 1.0 Improved Initiative Medieval Fantasy City Generator - This application generates...
What 70 monsters are included in the deck? Glad you asked! We picked 70 of the most common monsters across low to mid challenge ratings so you can run all sorts of encounters with the deck. MonsterCR Acolyte1/4 Air Elemental7 Animated Armor1 ...
Because we never want to give 0 XP for an encounter, we also use the minimum XP column from this table to set a lower bound in the event that we would be reading off the CR 0 line. So to populate the DC 5 column, we need a CR offset of -3. For levels 1 - 3 this would ...
Token Mold v2.13.1Overwrites token options when placing new tokens. In order to configure these overrides, click the Token Mold settings icon at the top of the Actors tab. Very useful when you have to place a lot of monsters and want to override the configuration for each one, especially...