(2017) Production of Multi-Features Driven Nationwide Vegetation Physiognomic Map and Comparison to MODIS Land Cover Type Product. Ad- vances in Remote Sensing, 6, 54-65. https://doi.org/10.4236/ars.2017.61004Sharma, R.C.; Hara, K.; Hirayama, H.; Harada, I.; Hasegawa, D.; Tomita,...
This document details the structural definition, development process, and functional flow of the MODIS Land-Cover Product. The Land Cover and Land-Cover Change Parameters were proposed by the MODIS Land Team, with Team Member Alan Strahler leading the effort. The Land Cover Parameter is a 1-km...
which has a ≈500 meter resolution, to a fractional product indicating the integer percentage (0-100) of the output pixel covered by each of the 17 landcover classes (1 per band).
Land Cover Type CMG 5600m Yearly MCD12C1 Combined Land Cover Type CMG 5600m Yearly 9) 植被覆盖转换产品(表10) 表10植被覆盖转换产品 产品简称 平台 MODIS 产品 栅格类型 分辨率(m) 时间分辨率 MOD44B Terra Vegetation Continuous Fields Tile 500m Yearly 发布者:全栈程序员栈长,转载请注明出处:https:/...
MOD08_M3.006 Terra Atmosphere Monthly Global Product MCD12Q1.006 MODIS Land Cover Type Yearly Global 500m MOD17A3H.006: Terra Net Primary Production Yearly Global 500m MOD44W.006 Terra Land Water Mask Derived from MODIS and SRTM Yearly Global 250m ...
LC_Type4Land Cover Type 4: Annual BIOME-Biogeochemical Cycles (BGC) classification LC_Type5Land ...
MODIS Product Raster Type Res (m) Temporal Granularity MCD12Q1 Combined Land Cover Type Tile 500m Yearly MOD12Q2 Terra Land Cover Dynamics Tile 1000 m Yearly MCD12Q2 Combined Land Cover Dynamics Tile 500 m Yearly MCD12C1 Combined Land Cover Type CMG 5600m Yearly 注:CMG=Climate Modeling Grid...
MOD08_M3.006 Terra Atmosphere Monthly Global Product MCD12Q1.006 MODIS Land Cover Type Yearly Global 500m MOD17A3H.006: Terra Net Primary Production Yearly Global 500m MOD44W.006 Terra Land Water Mask Derived from MODIS and SRTM Yearly Global 250m ...
Fig. 12. Boxplots of VIIRS minus MODIS LST for the TES algorithm products (MYD21, VNP21) show differences that are invariant with land cover type. LST differences were grouped according to standard International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) classification data from MCD12 product. Download...