MODIS Land Cover Date数据说明MOD12Q1三级数据土地覆盖类型产品(Land Cover data)是根据一年的Terra和Aqua观测所得的数据经过处理,描述土地覆盖的类型。该土地覆盖数据集中包含了17个主要土地覆盖类型,根据国际地圈生物圈计划(IGBP),其中包括11个自然植被类型,3个土地开发和镶嵌的地类和3个非草木土地类型定义类。
1.打开modis web网站(,点击data,进入Data Products页面,点击MODIS Land Cover Products。2.进入如下界面,product detail中选择要下载的数据 3.进入MCD12Q1产品页面,点击页面下方的data access->Reverb,如下图 4.进入如下页面,设置搜索项、时间范围、空间范围,选择需要的...
Wessels K J; Defries R S; Dmpewolf J;.Mapping regional land cover with MODIS data for biological conservation: Examples from the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, USA and Para State, Brazil.Remote Sensing of Environment.2004.67-83Wessels K J,DeFries R S,Dempewolf F,et al.Mapping regional cover...
网站1:全国地理信息资源目录服务系统 网站2:GLC30 information service 2. 什么是GlobeLand30数据集 GLC30是中国国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划) 全球地表覆遥感制图与关键技术研究项目的重... 网站2:GLC30 information service 2. 什么是GlobeLand30数据集 GLC30是中国国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划) 全球地表覆遥感制图与关键技术研究项目的重要成果 ...
found within the MODIS annual landcover product (MCD12Q1). This data was converted from its categorical format, which has a ≈500 meter resolution, to a fractional product indicating the integer percentage (0-100) of the output pixel covered by each of the 17 landcover classes (1 per band...
found within the MODIS annual landcover product (MCD12Q1). This data was converted from its categorical format, which has a ≈500 meter resolution, to a fractional product indicating the integer percentage (0-100) of the output pixel covered by each of the 17 landcover classes (1 per band...
Global Land Cover by National Mapping Organisations 全球土地覆盖国家测绘组织:全球1公里土地覆盖数据,使用基于联合国粮农组织LCCS的分类方案,方便与其他土地覆盖产品进行比较。 Global Lakes and Wetlands Database 全球湖泊和湿地数据库:显示湖泊、水库、湿地、沼泽等区域的全球矢量数据集。
E. (1997). Decision tree classification of land cover from remotely sensed data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 61(3), 399-409. 2.Roy, D. P., & Wulder, M. A. (2016). The open access for land remote sensing (land rs) data journal: demands, workflows, and benefits to the ...