Here we describe the datasets and algorithms used to create the Collection 5 MODIS Global Land Cover Type product, which is substantially changed relative to Collection 4. In addition to using updated input data, the algorithm and ancillary datasets used to produce the product have been refine... 网站2:GLC30 information service 2. 什么是GlobeLand30数据集 GLC30是中国国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划) 全球地表覆遥感制图与关键技术研究项目的重要成果 该数据集包含十个主要的地表...
Global Land Cover by National Mapping Organisations 全球土地覆盖国家测绘组织:全球1公里土地覆盖数据,使用基于联合国粮农组织LCCS的分类方案,方便与其他土地覆盖产品进行比较。 Global Lakes and Wetlands Database 全球湖泊和湿地数据库:显示湖泊、水库、湿地、沼泽等区域的全球矢量数据集。 Vegetation Map at La...
Until recently, advanced very high-resolution radiometer (AVHRR) observations were the only viable source of data for global land cover mapping. While many useful insights have been gained from analyses based on AVHRR data, the availability of moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data...
The MCD12Q2 V6 Land Cover Dynamics product (informally called the MODIS Global Vegetation Phenology product) provides estimates of the timing of vegetation phenology at global scales. Additionally, it provides information related to the range and summation of the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) compute...
While mapping vegetation and land cover using remotely sensed data has a rich history of application at local scales, it is only recently that the capability has evolved to allow the application of classification models at regional, continental and global scales. The development of a comprehensive ...
这个土地覆盖产品的基础数据集是MODIS年度土地覆盖产品(MCD12Q1)中的IGBP层。该数据从其分类格式(具有≈500米的分辨率)转换为分数产品,表明17个土地覆被等级(每个波段1个)覆盖的输出像素的整数百分比(0-100)。 这个数据集是由Malaria Atlas项目的Harry Gibson和Daniel Weiss制作的(英国牛津大学大数据研究所,[http:/...
FROM-GLC (Fine Resolution Observation and Monitoring of Global Land Cover) is the first 30m resolution global land-cover map produced using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data. Due to the lack of temporal features as inputs in producing FROM-GLC, conside...
裸地或低植被覆盖地裸地或低植被覆盖地 254 未分类区未分类区未分类区未分类区未分类区 255 填充值填充值填充值填充值填充值 Land cover classes In the global land cover map, the classes are defined according to the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) 17-class scheme shown in Table 1.