现代科学技术概论论文(Introduction to modern science and technology) 热度: 《现代食品科技》总ModernFoodScienceandTechnologyVol.22No.1(87) 中图分类号:O657.3;文献标识码:A;文章篇号:1007-2764(2006)01-0142-057 光散射法测定姜中的锰 衷明华
《现代食品科技》总总 Modern Food Science and Technology Vol.22 No.1(87) 中图分类号:TS254.4;文献标识码:B;文章篇号:1007-2764(2006)01-0048-018 麻辣风味鱼松的调味研究 麻辣风味鱼松的调味研究 邓后勤1,夏延斌1,曹小彦2,危小湘1,曹薇1, 卢琼1 (1.湖南农业大学食品科技学院,湖南长沙 410128)(2....
chemical science and technology laboratory - food and drug :化学科学与技术实验室-食品和药物 热度: 《现代食品科技》总ModernFoodScienceandTechnologyVol.21No.2(84) 中图分类号:TS22;文献标识码:A;文章篇号:1007-2764(2005)02-0182-065 植物油水酶法浸提工艺研究进展 ...
The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest ...
期刊封面封底目录下载 >> 文献代查 >> 文献数据库(团队版) >> 页面导航 摘要 著录项 相似文献 相关主题 摘要 通过对潮式酥肉松地方标准项目研制的市场前景分析,了解潮式酥肉松的工艺、配方及产品特色,研究潮式酥肉松现行国家标准及行业标准的执行情况,提出项目研制的技术方案,对项目技术内容进行分析,确定了潮...
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Agricultural education, science and modern technology's role in solving the problems of global food resources in the 21st century The growth of agriculture output over the past 200 years has been phenomenal. When Malthus wrote in 1798, he perceived limits on agricultural production as serious and ...
Flaxseed is emerging as an important functional food ingredient because of its rich contents of α-linolenic acid (ALA, omega-3 fatty acid), lignans, a