#**Error:(vsim-19)Failed to access library'unisims_ver'at"unisims_ver". #No such file or directory.(errno=ENOENT) #Loading work.fifoctlr_ic_v2 #**Error:(vsim-19)Failed to access library'xilinxcorelib_ver'at "xilinxcorelib_ver". ...
1. "Failed to access library “XXXXXX”",这是指仿真的时候,找不到仿真库XXXXX。 2. 如果是全部自己设计的文件,编译后,MODELSIM会将其保存在work这个库里面。如果非work库,一般就是官方如XILINX、ALTERA、LATTICE的仿真库。 a. 如果是XILINX、QUARTUS仿真库,可以从VIVADO、QUARTUS中进行仿真;或者编译仿真库文件,...
34039 - ModelSim - (vsim-19),(vopt-19) Failed to access library 'unisims_ver' Description When I run a simulation using code that instantiates Xilinx primitives, the following error occurs: # ** Error: (vsim-19) Failed to access library 'unisims_ver' at "unisims_ver". # No such fil...
34039 - ModelSim - (vsim-19),(vopt-19) Failed to access library 'unisims_ver' Description When I run a simulation using code that instantiates Xilinx primitives, the following error occurs: # ** Error: (vsim-19) Failed to access library 'unisims_ver' at "unisims_ver". # No such fil...
问题:从Vivado启动modelsim后,modelsim报错 Error: (vsim-19) Failed to access library 'vsim' at "vsim". 试过多个版本的Vivado和modelsim均如此。尝试过Quartus II和modelsim联合仿真无问题(使用的之前工程)。 为什么:不知道,感觉很玄学。 解决方法:抛弃旧的Vivado工程,新建工程,源文件和...
# ** Error: (vcom-19) Failed to access library 'unisim' at "D:/Model/win32xoem/../xilinx/vhdl/unisim". # No such file or directory. ” 反正自己不会,就上网查了一下,下面给出查到的解决方案: 在modelsim里file菜单下new中选library,将名字改为unisim ...
1。我在ISE中启动modelsim时出现了下面的错误 Loading work.tb_ic1_func # ** Error: (vsim-19) Failed to access library xilinxcorelib_ver at xilinxcorelib_ver. # No such file or directory. (errno = ENOENT) # ** Error: (vsim-19) Failed to access library unisim
我在 ISE 中启动 modelsim 时出现了下面的错误 Loading work.tb_ic1_func # ** Error: (vsim-19) Failed to access library 'xilinxcorelib_ver' at "xilinxcorelib_ver". # No such file or directory. (errno = ENOENT) # ** Error: (vsim-19) Failed to access library 'unisims_ver' at "...
But, when I start automatically Modelsim Altera simulation tool, it fails attempting to execute vlog command in tcl file, reporting (vlog-2726) Config alt_sld_fab_alt_sld_fab_170_gtjio5q_cfg failed to access library 'name lib' All these lib files and directories exists...
#**Error:(vsim-19)Failedtoaccesslibrary'xilinxcorelib_ver'at"xilinxcorelib_ver". #Nosuchfileordirectory.(errno=ENOENT) #**Error:(vsim-19)Failedtoaccesslibrary'unisims_ver'at"unisims_ver". #Nosuchfileordirectory.(errno=ENOENT) #Loadingwork.fifoctlr_ic_v2 #**Error:(vsim-19)Failedtoaccessli...