When I try to create input signal(right click on vhdl file name under work library, and then click Create Wave), I got the error message below. Error in Tcl Script Error: command"duInfo" already exists in namespace"::" Thanks for any help Translate Tags: Intel® Quar...
【Modelsim常见问题】# ** Error (suppressible): (vsim-12110) All optimizations are disabled because the -novopt option is in effect. 这个错误是可抑制的,只需要在仿真脚本中加入这个选项: 我使用的是tcl脚本编译的,如果使用的是Quartus软件的话可以参考这个教程: 【Quartus_modelsim】12110波形仿真错误解决 -...
【Modelsim常見問題】# ** Error (suppressible): (vsim-12110) All optimizations are disabled because the -novopt option is in effect. Error 這個錯誤是可抑制的,只需要在模擬指令碼中加入這個選項: 我使用的是tcl指令碼編譯的,如果使用的是Quartus軟體的話可以參考這個教程: 【Quartus_modelsim】12110波形模擬...
And note that in Memory_Controller.v, I have included the audioparams.vh file. The project compiles without error on Quartus. However, when I attempt to run this TCL script on Modelsim: #set the working directory, where all compiled Verilog goes vlib wor...
Sourced NativeLink script c:/altera/13.1/quartus/common/tcl/internal/nativelink/modelsim.tcl Error:...
1、ERROR: [Vivado 12-5602] compile_simlib failed to compile for modelsim with error in xxx libraries 2、ERROR:[Common 17-39]’ compile_simlib’ failed due to earlier errors (当时报错截图没有保存,好像是420左右个错误) 解决办法 1、确认Modelsim和Vivado版本是否匹配,移步Vivado Simulation ...
it looks like the error occurs when it tries to load the architecture (testbench) for the VHDL entity (test) I presume you must be instantiating at least one component in this architecture (e.g. the DUT) if you are instantiating ...
我使用的是vivado 2019.2和modelsim 2019.2,版本是匹配的,在vivado上执行Tools --> Comoile Simulation Libraries...设置好正确的路径之后进行编译,然后产生了大量的errors,与网上能够查到的1,2个报错不一样,是每一个库的编译都会产生error。
它采用直接优化的编译技术、Tcl/Tk技术和单一内核仿真技术,编译仿真速度快,编译的代码与平台无关,便于保护IP核,再加上其个性化的图形界面和用户接口,为用户加快调试提供了强有力的手段,是FPGA/ASIC设计的首选仿真软件。 Modelsim主要版本包括SE、PE、LE和OEM。其中,SE是最高级的版本。集成在Actel、Atmel、Altera、...
When I run this macro in Modelsim, I get an ERROR message at the end of the execution of RunMacro: # ERROR: Breakpoint 2 not found. # Error in macro RunMacro line ... # Breakpoint 2 not found. # while executing # "disablebp $bp_id" ...