1, 新建工程 DivClk2Proj,打开 ModelSim,点击 File->New->Project,在工程名 中输入 DivClk2Proj,在工程保存路径中输入 D:/yuProj/modelsim/DivClk2,点击 OK,并在随后出现的对话框中点击确定来确认建立该目录; 2, 在随后出现的 Add items to the Project 窗口中,点击 Creat New File,出现 Create Project ...
返回library,刷新工作区(如果不返回工作区刷新,有时候会报错Error loading design或者can't read "Startup(-L)": no such element in array) 右击tb模块,选择仿真(一定要选择tb模块来仿真,因为目的是为了测试) 右击tb模块,添加波形 run-all 选择否 返回波形视图,查看仿真结果 版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特别声明...
而本次我遇到的问题解决办法就是在project下添加glbl.v,而glbl.v文件就在ISE的安装路径下:my_install\14.7\ISE_DS\ISE\verilog\,拷贝到自己的工程下即可。在仿真时,需要对两个模块分别仿真,命令是 关于安装modelsim过程中的一个小问题(Error:can't read "_dients()":no such varible) ...
20、vL-iin iiic匚Im 斗4,-ri“丁“Hesdjik|wDfkaiufEf 4ippIT戸F*抽T*NjrT«厂 Eruble- ottnoriK I CjhzeI I24.点击 verilog ,选择 Enable Hazard Checking.再点击 OK。M -'I-;PlHcthFnlde-Rd畑F匾rffldiJFW CAnlouialionhme fcartfliPtJuiCIptiDfK臼心LffVrihlH4st_0)厂 Dis-sUe pdsE-eTT...
The error "couldn't open "transcript": permission denied" always pops out when you first launch ModelSim and can be ignored. As for the other errors, can you change the directory to your project directory? Go to File->Change Directory.. Your projects cannot be save...
The odd thing is that this 'package' is sitting in the testbench file itself, so I can not see how it would go out of sync. I did a third project (combining the other two) and that simulated fine with QII0.1SP2 but not with the webversion 11.0SP1. I tried...
4)modelsim.ini文件的搜索顺序为 : a)环境变量所指的文件架 b)当前的工作目录 c)modelsim的安装目录 24 Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Liyong xjtusoc center 工程文件工程文件工程文件工程文件test.test.mpfmpf(续)续)续)续) ; Maximum iterations that can be run without advancing ...
开发工具:eclipse jdk版本:1.7 问题描述:eclipse开发工具导入项目后,报错:Archive for required library: 'E:/repo/avalon-framework/avalon-framework/4.1.3/avalon-framework-4.1.3.jar' in project 'xxx' cannot be read or is not a v... java.io.FileNotFoundException: This file can not be opened as...