In that YouTube video, it opened a folder 'mentor' in the project directory. However I don't have this directory. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply RichardTanSY_Intel Employee 05-12-2020 09:39 AM 1,646 Views Glad to know that you are able to open the Modelsim. The folde...
Solved: I am trying to use the "Tools > tcl > Execute Macro" option in ModelSim to run a "" script to run a
Xilinx no longer ships ModelSim with ISE but now ships its own HDL simulator that enables functional and timing simulations for VHDL, Verilog and mixed VHDL/Verilog designs: ISim . I had some trouble setting up ISim from the command line on my Linux machine, so I documented how to use ISim...
# // ModelSim PE 10.2d Feb 20 2014 To overcome this problem, please follow the steps below: Solution This issue arises because ModelSim PE is a 32-bit version while Vivado is a run in 64-bit mode. You can keep your Vivado 64-bit mode project intact but you will need to open Vivado...
1) Open Vivado 2014.4 in 32-bit mode. From a command prompt, run: vivado -m32 2) Turn off unified simulation by running the following command in the Vivado Tcl Console: set_param project.enableUnifiedSimulation 0 (This is done because 32-bit ModelSim does not support the vopt command.) ...
1 To open the new Synopsys VCS cosimulation library, type vcslib in the command line. 2 Drag the HDL Cosimulation block to your testbench model. 3 Open the block mask, and configure the block to match your HDL DUT: Specify port names and properties, timescales, connection, and simulation...
Once installed, open the software and select the New Project Wizard in the File tab. Be sure to save a copy of your design to a flash drive. It is not practical to use a college hard drive every time you need to save a project....
The waveform window in ModelSim after we pressed run, and zoomed in on the timeline:Need the Questa/ModelSim project files? Let me send you a Zip with everything you need to get started in 30 seconds How does it work? Tested on Windows and Linux SEND ME THE EMAIL By submitting, you...
n Five I-MOVIX X10 UHD (4K) cameras recorded Super Bowl XLIX in glorious ultra slow motion—FPGAs tackled the video n 14-bit, 1.6Gsamples/sec PCIe/PXIe/USB/Micro-TCA Digitizer employs FPGA for custom signal processing at speed n An Open Source Kickstarter SDN project based on Zynq?
The waveform zoomed in on the Seconds signal:The waveform zoomed in on the Minutes signal:The waveform zoomed in on the Hours signal:Need the Questa/ModelSim project files? Let me send you a Zip with everything you need to get started in 30 seconds How does it work? Tested on Windows ...