【Deep Learning:Foundations and Concepts】固定Basis函数的限制,多层网络,Mixture density Network W11H08Z “莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行”3 人赞同了该文章 目录 收起 固定Basis函数的限制 数据流形 基于数据的basis function 多层网络 万能逼近性 激活函数 权重空间的对称性 各种学习范式 表示学习 迁移...
Mixture Density Network for Phone-Level Prosody Modelling in Speech Synthesis 该文章是上海交通大学在2021.02.01更新的文章,主要优化声学模型韵律,使语音更加自然,具体的文章链接 https://arxiv.org/pdf/2102.00851.pdfarxiv.org/pdf/2102.00851.pdf 1 背景 为了使语音合成系统合成更加自然的语音,很多人研究...
In this paper, the use of MDNs (Mixture Density Networks) is proposed for deciding rating curves. This method is beneficial especially when a single curve is developed when the relation between stage and discharge exhibits hysteresis. The computational analyses performed for the Han River and Mokky...
为了解决这个问题,得到更加“纯净”的数据,之前的工作提出了attentional models,动态的凸显出图像或者视频中的显著部分。本文提出了RECURRENT MIXTURE DENSITY NETWORK ,动态的凸显出视频中应该注意到的部分,并且改进视频中的human action recognition。 visual attention model: 文中使用mixture of Gaussians,可以表示出每个...
mixture-density-network 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. Mixture density network based sea surface wind field retrieval from NSCAT scatterometer data 基于混合密度网络的NSCAT散射计海面风场反演 www.ilib.cn© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
1) Mixture Density Network 混合密度神经网络2) hybrid neural network 混合神经网络 1. Application of generalized hybrid neural network modeling methods in penicilllin fermentation process; 混合神经网络建模方法在青霉素发酵过程中的应用 2. Nonlinear predictive function control based on hybrid neural ...
《Recurrent Mixture Density Network for Spatiotemporal Visual Attention》L Bazzani, H Larochelle, L Torresani [Dartmouth College & Universite de Sherbrooke & Dartmouth College] (1026) http://t.cn/R...
To overcome this problem, this paper proposes utilizing a mixture density network (MDN), which is a neural network that maps an input feature to a set of Gaussian mixture model (GMM) parameters representing the distribution of a target variable. By estimating the distribution of clean speech ...
feasible hypotheses of the 3D pose from 2D this http URL contrast to existing deep learning approaches which minimize a mean square error based on an unimodal Gaussian distribution, our method is able to generate multiple feasible hypotheses of 3D pose based on a multimodal mixture density networks...
In the next sections, we explain the technical and theoretical details of MD-GAN. 4.2. Mixture Density GAN: The Model As in the vanilla GAN, MD-GAN consists of a genera- tor G and a discriminator D. MD-GAN uses a mixture of Gaussians in its objective functions whose mean vectors...