Density is defined as the mass per unit volume of a substance or mixture of substances. A mixture may be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. Density for an entire mixture cannot be calculated for a heterogeneous mixture, since the particles in the mixture are not uniformly distributed, and the ...
Instead of being connected with the input of the system, the temperature sensor can be connected with the capacitance transducer which is then connected directly with the indicator-recording system. In the case of the mixture temperature's being constant or varying within a narrow range, the ...
A stochastic approximation algorithm is developed for estimating a mixture of normal density functions with unknown means and unknown variances. The algorithm minimizes an information criterion that has interesting properties for density approximations. The conditions on the convergence of this nonlinear estim...
Means for conveying a mixture of products having different densityPETERSSON K
Mixed aqueous solutions of electrolytes are often used in technology and laboratory practice. One example is the calculation of equilibrium in the reprocessing of spent fuel from nuclear reactors. In this case, at first approximation, the aqueous phase can be considered a mixture of nitric acid and...
Anti-wrinkling effects of the mixture of vitamin C, vitamin E, pycnogenol and evening primrose oil, and molecular mechanisms on hairless mouse skin caused ... Naturally occurring antioxidants were used to regulate the skin damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation because several antioxidants have...
Demixing of colloid-polymer mixtures in poor solvents The influence of poor solvent quality on fluid demixing of a model mixture of colloids and nonadsorbing polymers is investigated using density functional t... M Schmidt,AR Denton - 《Physical Review E Statistical Nonlinear & Soft Matter Physics...
Metafluids are artificial suspensions that include a mixture of a standard fluid and metamaterial particles engineered to give rise to properties/behaviors that are not found in natural fluids. We study the pressure-density relations, and stability, of a “metafluid", composed of a multitude of ...
A mixed state is a mixture of projectors onto pure states: (3.8)ρmixed=∑ipi|ψi〉〈ψi|. Taking a statistical interpretation again, a mixed state consists of identical particles, but portions are in different physical configurations. A mixture is described by a set of states ψi with ...
The dry season aerosol is composed of a mixture of materials produced by the Saharan terrigenous sources and burning vegetation. The oxalate is most likely produced by the combustion of vegetal biomass. The coincidence of the presence of oxalate in the dry season aerosol, and the ice-nucleating ...