上图可见,每层的RNN输出都由MDN(Mixture Density Network 混合密度网络)来处理,MDN可以输出一个呼和高斯分布,通过这个分布来采样下一个z。 在从输出的高斯分布中采样的时候,可以调整 τ \tau τ来控制model uncertainty(模型不确定性)。 关于Mixture Density Network RL论文阅读5 - RWMFPE 2018 Tittle source ...
deep-neural-networks deep-learning neural-network master-thesis tensorflow mdn keras tensorflow-experiments mixture-density-networks uncertainty-estimation mixture-density-model mixture Updated Jun 30, 2017 Jupyter Notebook maximenc / pycop Star 101 Code Issues Pull requests Python library for multiv...
The influence of data generated by LSTM-MDN architecture models was compared with competing methods: Riemannian Hamiltonian VAE (available in the PyRaug python module) and timeVAE. The use of synthetic samples generated by the LSTM-MDN model enabled an increase in the biometric system's ...
Implementing MDNs in software involves modifying the error function used in conventional neural networks and interpreting the network outputs differently. The implementation is straightforward, especially in an object-oriented language like Python.
Python performs the GMM analysis using themixtureclass from scikit-learn library. In this class, there is theGaussianMixturefunction, which is quite similar to thefitgmdistfunction described previously. TheGaussianMixturefunction estimates the parameters of a Gaussian mixture distribution. The function ta...
Anchor and fissure grouting are used to repair earthen sites. However, the common method to obtain the compressive strength of grouting slurry would cause material, labor, and time losses. In addition the material properties, environmental and economic b
I used the following code to implement this task in Python: Let’s take a look at the results. The left hand-side chart shows the original distribution of book quantity. The right hand-side chart shows the distribution of each predicted component, after the GMM transformation. Notice that th...
Crowd Counting with Deep Structured Scale Integration Network 概述 本文介绍了ICCV 2019中的Crowd Counting with Deep Structured Scale Integration Network一文。 由于人群计数的数据中,人群的数目存在着较大的变化,因此一种做... 人群计数论文笔记之PaDNet:Pan-Density Crowd Counting ...
LSTM + Mixture Density Layer Requirements: Python version = 3.5.2 Packages keras==2.2.0 sklearn==0.19.1 numpy==1.14.3 opencv-python==3.4.1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdSqAAT28v0This is the video used for training. How to run locally ...
Generative Handwriting using LSTM Mixture Density Network with TensorFlow - hardmaru/write-rnn-tensorflow