Mixed connective tissue disease: a disorder of immune regulation.doi:10.1016/0049-0172(83)90030-6DonatoAlarcón-SegoviaSDOSSeminars in Arthritis & RheumatismAlarcon-Segovia D. Mixed connective tissue disease: a disorder of immune regulation. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 1983;13:114-120....
Mixed connective tissue disease is a rare disorder in childhood and seldom affects the CNS. 混合性结缔组织病是一种罕见疾病的儿童,很少会影响中枢神经系统。 www.syyxw.com 5. Pulmonary manifestation in mixed connective tissue disease 混合性结缔组织病的肺部损害 www.ilib.cn 6. Recent advance in the...
Definition A connective tissue disorder characterized by the presence of high titers of anti-U1 RNP autoantibody in combination with clinical features commonly seen in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), scleroderma, and polymyositis; common clinical features include Raynaud's phenomenon , absence of ...
Mixed connective tissue disease(MCTD) is a rare autoimmune disorder characterized by certain symptoms shared bylupus,scleroderma,polymyositisordermatomyositis, andrheumatoid arthritis. However, in MCTD, the symptoms are not as severe or extensive as with a specific one of these disorders. ...
onychosis - any disease or disorder of the nails rheumatism - any painful disorder of the joints or muscles or connective tissues periarteritis nodosa, polyarteritis nodosa - a progressive disease of connective tissue that is characterized by nodules along arteries; nodules may block the artery and...
699 MIXED CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASE IN CHILDREN. Jack H. HUtto and Ella M. Ayoub. University of Florida Col- lege of Medicine, Dept. of Pediatrics, Gainesville. Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) is a collagen-vascular disease with multiple organ system involvement. MCTD is charac- terized...
英汉医学词典 混合复合组织疾病 与"mixed combined tissue disease"相近的词条 ...
Mixed connective tissue disease (MCDT) is a rare condition characterised by the presence of high titres of anti-U1 ribonucleoprotein antibodies and selected clinical features of systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis and polymyositis/dermatomyositis. Early symptoms are non-specific, including easy...
mixed combined tissue disease mixed complex mixed complexe mixed condenser mixed conduct and emotions disorder Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss Mixed congenital myopathy mixed congestion mixed connected tissue mixed connective tissue disease mixed cortical adenoma mixed crown Mixed cryofibrinogenem...
About half of patients with mixed connective tissue disorder had abnormal pulmonary function tests and reduced forced vital capacity that remained stable over 10 years of follow-up, according to researchers at the Hospital das Cli...