Sloan商学院的MSF项目,学制分为12个月和18个月(含summer internship),该项目既谈到金融市场,也有涉及到量化分析,主要concentrations包括: 资本市场,企业融资,以及金融工程。 课程非常的Practical,选修课非常多而全面,很多课程跟MBA一起上。主要涉及到工具为Matlab和R语言,数学方面有讲到Monte Carlo定律。课程方面可以说包...
6. Robin Chase Having graduated from the MIT Sloan School of Management with a Masters in Management in 1986, Robin Chase has since gone on to become a successful transportation entrepreneur, founding her own car-sharing service, Buzzcar, as well as being a co-founder and former CEO of Zip...
时常纠结反复,加上自己很要命的名校情结和对商科PhD令人发指的申请难度(很多学校每个系每年只会招一两个学生)的逐渐了解,那个寒假和接下来的接近半个学期,我几乎天天都在自我怀疑和苦苦思索人生意义中挣扎着度过。 所幸的是,学院的老师们,尤其是几位有美国留学经历的老师在专业选择和PhD如何申请的问题上给我了很多...
劣势6: 科研背景劣势 作为MIT开设的硕士项目,即使隶属于Sloan管理学院,它仍然继承了MIT作为理工科最著名名校的传统,并且非常重视申请者和学生在学术、科研等实践领域对自身能力的证明。 因此,对于大多数商学院的项目来说,科研经历实际上并不是非常重要(相对于实实在在的实习和工作经验而言),但对于MIT来说就有所不同...
I am an Associate Professor atOxfordInternet Institute and a Governing Body Fellow at Wolfson College. I am also a research affiliate atMITSloan School of Management. My work lies at the intersection of computational (data science) and cognitive psychology. I study howmisinformationand disinformation...
When I was fired as a university administrator for trying to catch an embezzler, I decided that I wasn't able to survive on instinct, so I needed some intellectual strategies. Using my education (BS MIT VIII'50, MA PhD Columbia) I invented a science of human behavior. It is on the ...