时常纠结反复,加上自己很要命的名校情结和对商科PhD令人发指的申请难度(很多学校每个系每年只会招一两个学生)的逐渐了解,那个寒假和接下来的接近半个学期,我几乎天天都在自我怀疑和苦苦思索人生意义中挣扎着度过。 所幸的是,学院的老师们,尤其是几位有美国留学经历的老师在专业选择和PhD如何申请的问题上给我了很多...
If your ultimate goal is to be a quant as quickly as possible, I would go to MIT Sloan. PE...
劣势6: 科研背景劣势 作为MIT开设的硕士项目,即使隶属于Sloan管理学院,它仍然继承了MIT作为理工科最著名名校的传统,并且非常重视申请者和学生在学术、科研等实践领域对自身能力的证明。 因此,对于大多数商学院的项目来说,科研经历实际上并不是非常重要(相对于实实在在的实习和工作经验而言),但对于MIT来说就有所不同...
6. Robin Chase Having graduated from the MIT Sloan School of Management with a Masters in Management in 1986, Robin Chase has since gone on to become a successful transportation entrepreneur, founding her own car-sharing service, Buzzcar, as well as being a co-founder and former CEO of Zip...
Quantum PhD-Engineers Expert Panel Moderated by US Air Force Modeling & Simulation CTO: Space for Women Show. Startup Summit CEO Guidance: Growing Digital Startups to Trillion $ Hedge Funds-Enterprises: Silicon Valley-Wall Street-Pentagon. The Innovation Community (UK) Interview: TIC Podcast #6...
MIT Sloan:MBAn 要求学生拥有强大的数学、统计和计算机能力。该项目是为了有志于从事 数据科学和其他高新技术领域的申请人所设计,focus on 在技术方面的培养。 -MIT MBAn2016 年录取情况:总共 20 人 其中,有 4~5 中国人 背景情况: 2 人美国本科,其中一个毕业于 NYU,另一个毕业于 PSU,均为 Economics & Ma...
Beyond Data: Change, Uncertainty & Complexity Management Beyond Global Financial Crisis: VaR-Model Risk Management Beyond Artificial Intelligence: Build Self-Adaptive Complex Systems Beyond AI-Quantum Supremacy: Build for Command & Control Beyond Model Risk Management 'Black Hat' Model Risk Arbitrage KNOW...
In 2005, Lucchino was an MBA student in the MIT Sloan School of Management and Loose was a PhD candidate in chemical engineering at MIT. Langer introduced the two aspiring entrepreneurs, and they started working on what would become Semprus BioSciences, a medical device company that won the MI...
Prior to joining MIT, I was a researcher at Department ofPsychology at Yale. I received my PhD in Engineering with a minor inData Science. I also worked as a Systems andSoftware Integration Leadfor five years prior to starting my PhD. ...
But Finkelstein and her colleagues (including Joseph Doyle of the MIT Sloan School of Management) worked with the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers, the group that created the program, and conducted a randomized controlled trial. The study split a population of patients who’d just been re...