’” Eppinger said, drawing laughter from the crowd after a beat. “That statistical reality really struck me. Here we were, all these highly accomplished students, being told we may be average or worse. How could I process that?”
时常纠结反复,加上自己很要命的名校情结和对商科PhD令人发指的申请难度(很多学校每个系每年只会招一两个学生)的逐渐了解,那个寒假和接下来的接近半个学期,我几乎天天都在自我怀疑和苦苦思索人生意义中挣扎着度过。 所幸的是,学院的老师们,尤其是几位有美国留学经历的老师在专业选择和PhD如何申请的问题上给我了很多...
an advanced class intended for postgraduate students, and graduated in 1939. He then studied a PhD atPrinceton Universitybefore working on the Manhattan Project, having been persuaded to help build the first atomic bomb before Nazi Germany could. He went on to lecture at bothCornell University...
第三段里说,“MIT is dedicated to providing its students with an education that combines rigorous academic study and the excitement of discovery with the support and intellectual stimulation of a diverse campus community. “ 实际体验下来,对整个学校那种温暖和开放、充满支持和分享精神的氛围感受最深。与...
She offered tips for students to make the most of their time at MIT. The first is to be resilient and keep from dwelling on stress. “Take breaks when you need to. Walk along Memorial Drive. Take a sailing class on the Charles. Tinker with a pet robot. Then get back to the problem...
Sloan商学院的master项目,除了MBA,就只有Master of Finance和Master of Business Analytics两个,我们今天的主角,就是Master of Finance。 项目简介 麻省理工学院的金融硕士课程采用严格的18个月STEM课程,选择在12个月内加速,强调市场运作的基础,并围绕最先进的金融理论、定量模型和行业实践进行设计。 先修课要求 没有...
In the second year at MIT, students do elective courses together with other MBA, masters, and PhD students from MIT. The MSMS program functions as the second year of MIT’s MBA curriculum. For Julien, the MIT portion of the program was a chance to challenge himself academically. His second...
Levi has graduated 10 PhD students, 34 Master students and 6 postdoctoral fellows. He was also awarded several prestigious teaching awards. (Full bio here.) As you can see, he has plenty of experience in drug development and working with the FDA. ...
As MSMS students, one can take all the electives offered at MIT Sloan together with MBA and other Masters and PhD students, since the MSMS program functions as the second year of MIT’s MBA curriculum. The MIT MSMS 2019 Classmates
Julien Isaacs wanted to stay at the forefront of US-China business. He chose a dual degree; a master’s from MIT Sloan and an MBA from one of China’s leading b-schools