MIT《量子物理1/MIT 8.04 Quantum Physics I, Spring 2016》中英字幕(豆包翻译 1.3万播放 拒绝变成bgm!超有意思的英语听力口语练习材料推荐+方法指引 9.7万播放 【北京航空航天大学】火箭发动机专业综合实验(全81讲)刘宇 3.4万播放 【公开课】耶鲁大学:基础物理(全49讲) ...
MIT 8.05 Quantum Physics II, Fall 2013麻省理工:量子物理 II,2013年秋季听TED演讲,看国内、国际名校好课,就在网易公开课
8.011 Physics I 8.012 Physics I 8.01L Physics I 8.02 Physics II 8.021 Physics II 8.022 Physics II 8.03 Physics III 8.033 Relativity 8.04 Quantum Physics I 8.041 Quantum Physics I (New) 8.044 Statistical Physics I 8.05 Quantum Physics II 8.051 Quantum Physics II 8.06 Quantum Physics III 8.07 El...
Introduction to Atomic Physics 1.原子理学介绍 译 【第2集】2. QED Hamiltonian 量子哈密顿 译 【第3集】3. Quantum description of light, Part 1 3.光的量子描述,第1部分 译 【第4集】3. Quantum description of light, Part 2 3.光的量子描述,第2部分 译 【第5集】4. Non-classical light...
MIT《量子物理2|MIT 8.05 Quantum Physics II, Fall 2013》中英字幕(豆包 1626播放 斯坦福CS25 - Transformers United研讨会v1-v4 2038播放 我在B站上大学系列!【麻省理工数学基础公开课】知名博士通俗易懂的解释,1h带背速成!超强合集!学数学这一套就够了! 2846播放 现在的针孔摄像头,到底能小到什么程度,究竟...
Chen has made important contributions to the field of full quantum physics in condensed matter and materials. In addition to original method developments, (i) the study of nuclear quantum effects in liquid hydrogen, and (ii) the prediction of two-dimensional ice were all pioneering works of the...
“Whenever we control the quantum world, like in quantum computers, light scattering is a problem, and means that information is leaking out of your quantum computer,” he muses. “This is one way to suppress light scattering, and we are contributing to the general theme of controlling the ...
For someone with a deeply scientific job, Gil Herrera has a nearly mystical mandate: Look into the future and then shape it, at the level of strange quantum physics and inextricable math theorems, to the advantage of the United States. ...
果然,麻省理工不是一个人在战斗。耶鲁、哈佛、剑桥、牛津等世界名校以及财力丰厚的基金会的陆续加入,犹如水滴汇成浪花,将“公开教育资源”(Open Educational Resources,O.E.R)运动推向了正轨,并且一发不可收。不用点名,不用占座,没有考试,没有学分,想上就上的国外名校课程让中国的高校学生、白领阶层趋之...
But once you get down to the level of individual particles, says Chuang, almost nothing is absolute. An electron, for example, could be spinning one way or the other-but it could also exist as a kind of mixture of spins. According to the laws of quantum physics, you could say the ele...