2016/resources/mit8_04s16_lecnotes1/ Chapter 1: Key Features of Quantum Mechanics 量子力学现在已经快100年了,但我们仍然在发现它一些惊人的特性,它仍然是许多研究和推测的主题。量子力学的框架是经典物理框架的一个丰富而优雅的扩展。它也是违...
MIT《量子物理1/MIT 8.04 Quantum Physics I, Spring 2016》中英字幕(豆包翻译 1.4万播放 [001]Quantum mechanics as a framework. Defining linearity.zh_en 17:50 [002]Linearity and nonlinear theories. Schrödingers equation.zh_en 10:03 [003]Necessity of complex numbers.zh_en 07:39 [004]Photons...
Quantum Mechanics—Historical Background, Photoelectric Effect, Compton Scattering 1.量子力学 - 历史背景,光电效果,康普顿散射 译 【第3集】3. Two-Slit Experiment; Quantum Weirdness 3.双缝实验;量子怪异 译 【第4集】4. Classical Wave Equation and Separation of Variables 4.古典波动方程和变量的分离 ...
8.04: Quantum Mechanics Professor Allan Adams Massachusetts Institute of Technology Thursday April 25 Problem Set 9 Due Thursday May 2 at 11.00AM Assigned Reading: E&R 7 all , App M,N Li. 8 2,3 , 10 all Ga. 4 c , 8 all Sh. 13 all 1. (10 points) Coulomb Potential Superposition S...
Physicist’About Us
20. Quantum Statistical Mechanics Part 120.量子统计力学第1部分 1162 播放 麻省理工 麻省理工学院创立于1861年,是世界著名私立研究型大学。 收藏 下载 分享 手机看 选集(25) 自动播放 [1] 1. Thermodynamics... 7945播放 1:26:24 [2] 2. Thermodynamics... ...
“在这本趣味横生、引人入胜,同时又浅显易懂的书中,教室里的超级英雄沃尔特•卢因很好分享了学习的喜悦,让我们认识到世界是可知的。”——詹姆斯•卡卡里沃斯教授,《超级英雄的物理学》(The Physics of Superheroes)和《量子力学传奇》(The Amazing Story of Quantum Mechanics)的作者。
He's referring to a (tongue-in-cheek) thought experiment in quantum mechanics named after the 19th-century physicist Ludwig Boltzmann, in which random thermodynamic fluctuations in the universe are imagined to cause brains to pop in and out of existence. “I feel...
8.05 Quantum Physics II 8.051 Quantum Physics II 8.06 Quantum Physics III 8.07 Electromagnetism II 8.08 Statistical Physics II 8.09 Classical Mechanics III 本科实验室及专项科目: 8.10 Exploring and Communicating Physics (and other) Frontiers 8.13 Experimental Physics I ...
“Quantum physics is not quite as unpredictable and discrete as we previously thought,” he says. His experiment showed that when an atom is bombarded with energy in the form of light, it moves from one energy level to the next in a continuous, smooth way, not an instantaneous jump. What...