清华大学普通物理 (杨振宁先生主讲,共30讲) 193.8万播放 【麻省理工】广义相对论(中英双语) 46.0万播放 【公开课】斯坦福大学:量子力学(中英双语字幕) MIT《量子物理1/MIT 8.04 Quantum Physics I, Spring 2016》中英字幕(豆包翻译 1.3万播放 拒绝变成bgm!超有意思的英语听力口语练习材料推荐+方法指引 ...
MIT 5.74 Introductory Quantum Mechanics II, Spring 2004麻省理工:介绍量子力学 II,2004年春季听TED演讲,看国内、国际名校好课,就在网易公开课
https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/8-04-quantum-physics-i-spring 2016/resources/mit8_04s16_lecnotes1/ Chapter 1: Key Features of Quantum Mechanics 量子力学现在已经快100年了,但我们仍然在发现它一些惊人的特性,它仍然是许多研究和推测的主题。量子力学的框架是经典物理框架的一个丰富而优雅的扩展。它也是违...
MITphysicists, in collaboration with colleagues, have measured the geometry—or shape—of electrons in solids at the quantum level for the first time. While scientists have long been able to measure the energies and velocities of electrons in crystalline materials, the quantum geometry of these syst...
MIT 8.05 Quantum Physics II, Fall 2013麻省理工:量子物理 II,2013年秋季 本课程共24集 翻译完 欢迎学习 立即播放 用手机看 课程免费缓存,随时观看~ 扫码下载网易公开课APP 收藏 课程列表 【第1集】1. Wave Mechanics 1.波力学 译 【第2集】2. Wave Mechanics (continued) 2.波浪力学(续) 译 【第4...
He's referring to a (tongue-in-cheek) thought experiment in quantum mechanics named after the 19th-century physicist Ludwig Boltzmann, in which random thermodynamic fluctuations in the universe are imagined to cause brains to pop in and out of existence. “I feel...
current technologies related to quantum mechanics, I could then find my own field of interest which will also benefit with the use of quantum mechanics. 第二我学习了所有与量子力学相关的领域。在这次经历之前,我对量子力学很感兴趣。然而,这些兴趣仅仅是在理论点上,在量子密钥分配等非常有限的领域。在...
Answers to mounting concerns over energy efficiency, costs, and scalability will be found in ambitious new approaches inspired by biological processes or grounded in the principles of quantum mechanics. While still in its infancy, quantum computing promises processing power and eff...
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“在这本趣味横生、引人入胜,同时又浅显易懂的书中,教室里的超级英雄沃尔特•卢因很好分享了学习的喜悦,让我们认识到世界是可知的。”——詹姆斯•卡卡里沃斯教授,《超级英雄的物理学》(The Physics of Superheroes)和《量子力学传奇》(The Amazing Story of Quantum Mechanics)的作者。