miR-339-3p expression and other known risk factors(i.e.,age,smoking status,and drinking status).Conclusions:MiR-339-3p was significantly upregulated in patients with NSCLC compared with participants without cancer,suggesting a diagnostic prediction value for high-risk individuals.Therefore,miR-339-3p...
,Luo,A.,Hotz-Wagenblatt,A.,Gardyan 摘要: Determinants of invasion and metastasis in cancer remain of great interest to define. Here, we report the definition of miR-339-3p as a novel tumor suppressive microRNA that blocks melanoma cell invasion without affecting cell survival. miR-339-3p ...
6为miR-339-5p潜在靶基因之一;荧光素酶报告实验显示,miR-339-5p可直接调节BCL-6基因3'UTR; Western blot法检测结果显示T47D细胞转染miR-339-5p mimics后,BCL-6蛋白表达水平明显下调.结论 miR-339-5p可以调节下游靶基因BCL-6的表达.%Purpose To predict and verify the direct target gene of ...
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This dysregulation may be pertinent to disease etiol ogy given that miR-339-5p regulates expression of BACE1 in human brain cultures. Therefore, miR-339-5p delivery or expression modulation in the brain might repre sent a novel therapeutic strategy for AD....
Mechanistically, hsa_circ_0004771 positively regulated CDC25A by acting as a molecular sponge of miR-339-5p and rescue assay confirmed this regulatory relationship. Conclusion: These results suggested that hsa_circ_0004771 can serve as a general less-invasive biomarker and may provide diagnostic and...
Ni, Z., Hu, Z., Jiang, Q., Zhang, H.: GmNFYA3 , a target gene of miR169, is a positive regulator of plant tolerance to drought stress. - Plant. mol. Biol. 82 : 113–129, 2013.Ni, Z.Y., Hu, Z., Jiang, Q.Y., Zhang, H.: GmNFYA3 , a target gene of miR169, is...