背景:事实上,这个问题和想法早在2012年就有人提出过,并最终制作成为了一款MOD叫做You Are The Creeper(你是苦力怕),这个MOD能让你作为一只苦力怕来进行生存,并且还可以通过招募怪物来为你战斗!但很可惜的是,这款模组始于Minecraft Beta 1.2_02,终结于1.7.3。早已停更。于是我便开始寻寻觅觅,寻找类...
背景:事实上,这个问题和想法早在2012年就有人提出过,并最终制作成为了一款MOD叫做You Are The Creeper(你是苦力怕),这个MOD能让你作为一只苦力怕来进行生存,并且还可以通过招募怪物来为你战斗!但很可惜的是,这款模组始于Minecraft Beta 1.2_02,终结于1.7.3。早已停更。 于是我便开始寻寻觅觅,寻找类似的替代数...
Piglins will now drop their heads when killed by a charged Creeper 猪灵被闪电苦力怕击杀后将会掉落头颅 Placing the Piglin head on a Note Block will play one of the Piglin's ambient sounds 将猪灵头颅放置在音符盒上时会播放其一种环境音效 The Piglin head will flap its ears when powered by Red...
Skeleton Creeper: a faster undead variant of the creeper. It may has lost his destructive powers, but its haunting appearance will blind you. Acolyte: a darker representative of the illager family. If he'll find you, your bones will serve him as a new weapon. ...
Extra Creeper Types is a mod that you simply must look into if you’ve grown bored of seeing the same kind of Creeper pop into your game world in order to cause havoc. Creepers are definitely among the most annoying aspects of Minecraft, but they’re still an essential part of the game...
Neutral mobs are inblue. Zombie Girl Husk Girl Drowned Girl Skeleton Girl Wither Skeleton Girl Stray Girl Creeper Girl Ghost Wither Ghost Ender Executor Kobold Lich Ogre Spider's Nest Melty Monster Cursed Doll Jack o' Frost Hornet Dullahan ...
MC-269266- Area effect cloud particles from creeper explosions are incorrectly tinted MC-269266- 苦力怕爆炸发出的区域效果云的粒子会发生着色错误 MC-269320- Books with more than 100 pages get cut off when upgraded MC-269320- 超过 100 页的书在升级的时候,内容被截断 ...
If two vibrations are emitted at the same time and at the same distance, Sculk Sensors will now react to ** with the highest frequency 若两个振动同时出现且距离相同,幽匿感测体将对频率最高的作出反应 Sculk Sensors now detect a Creeper exploding with a frequency of 15 ...