1. This modallows turn on Block DestructionandExposion Damage to Mobin config file. Its explosion causes a result that more closely resembles the original explosion when Mob Damage and Block Destruction settings are on. 2. This modallows creeper to turn into firework on death.This option is se...
CreeperRevamped will start downloading in 1 seconds... STILL DOWNLOADING MANUALLY?? Join over 10 million players who use the CurseForge app!Download App Now CreeperRevamped ByAmberApathy Resource Packs 154 Description Why do all the "Creeper Revamp" texture packs make them all scaly or skinny? WE...
名字:轰炸爬行者 生命值:20 爆炸:五个TNT 生成几率:20% 生成地:任何地方 掉落物:火药 名字:天使爬行者 生命值:20 爆炸:正常爆炸,会将你扔上天空,发出史莱姆被压扁的声音。 能力:在天空中飞行,滑翔 生成几率:20% 生成地:任何地方 掉落物:火药 名字:凋灵爬行者 生命值:100 爆炸:死亡时产生巨大的爆炸,并且让...
Mini Creeper Mod is an addon that will replace conventional creepers with more dangerous minimized mobs. Outwardly, they resemble something cookie monster, but their hands are much larger, and the total size - less. The danger of this mob is that it has a modern explosiv...
爬行者意识(Creeper Awareness)Mod 爬行者意识重现了原版快照14w11中添加的秘密特性,在爬行者或TNT即将爆炸时周围的生物会立即逃离,但它因为导致游戏延迟而被移除,这是因为MOJANG以一种低效的方式实现了它。 本模组需要Excore作为前置。 生物们又一次害怕爬行者了!
The Elemental Creepers mod adds in Minecraft PE a 16 different types of creeper, which differ in their abilities and not only! The only thing they have in common creeper, is that they are all very dangerous. Some creeper have their own unique effects of explosions, which ...
Download Minecraft PE make unique discoveries by visiting the Pale Garden, where … Minecraft PE More » Creepers Texture Pack for Minecraft PE Download Creeper Texture Pack for Minecraft PE: evaluate how some of the most … ...
the Creeper sometimes appears both day and night and can explode if approached. Using tools in the popular Minecraft game, players can dig through materials to create blocks of different attributes. These tools also allow players to collect and create whatever they wish. Additionally, players can ...
/setworldspawn x y z (设置世界出生点到指定坐标) 7、/summon zombie x y z (生成僵尸到指定坐标) 解释:zombie僵尸 Skeleton骷髅弓箭手 Ghast恶魂 Witch 女巫 Ender Dragon末影龙 Wither凋零 creeper 苦力怕 版本记录 v20240926 修复了与物理鼠标相关的问题 修复了Java 17自动提取的问题猜...
Forge Creeper Heal是来自Creeper攻击的优秀恢复工具。它只是在被Creepers损坏后重建你的结构。你仍然会受到伤害,他们仍然会对你的领域构成风险,但是至少在安装这个mod的时候并不会失去。 该MOD在记录受到爆炸影响的区域方面做得非常出色,并且会尝试以令人难以置信的精度进行重建。