- Mutant Enderman : mutant enderman will regenerate 2 hp every 2 seconds ,melee damage from 8 or 10 will be 10 or 12 - Mutant Zombie : mutant zombie will have 3 armor base point and will buff zombie around - Mutant Skeleton : will buff skeleton around - Mutant Creeper : nothing changed...
Though it may appear as a basic modpack, BaerCraft is far from that. This modpack is unique and VERY customized. I wanted to appeal to many different aspects of the game such as being creative, progression, difficulty, functionality, and enjoyment. That being said, I wanted to make it c...
Mutant Mob,PE Skins,MC Add-ons Quoc Bao Cao 4.5 • 23 Ratings Free Screenshots iPhone iPad Description This Add-ons allowed you to morph into any mobs: Zombie, Husk, Drowned, Zombie Pigman, Enderman, Skeleton, Stray, Creeper, Blaze, Cow, Pig, Sheep, Chicken, Spider, Iron Golem, Villag...
Download Creeper Texture Pack for Minecraft PE: evaluate how some of the most … Creepers Texture Pack for Minecraft PERead More » Hermitcraft Texture Pack for Minecraft PE Download Hermitcraft Texture Pack for Minecraft PE: use unique items that are created … ...
3.mutant creeper It has 120 and 12 attack damage and it has 2 special skill it’s the ...
Mutant Creeper (id - 500) Mutant Enderman (id - 501) Mutant Zombie (id - 502) Mutant Skeleton (id - 503) All these monsters-mutants are much stronger than their predecessors. As these types of monsters bowed to spawn minions that will help them to fight against You. ...
Welcome to the Reincarnation Modpack! Where every death sees you reincarnated as a new origin. The modpack features new mobs, mob interactions, bosses, origins, and mechanics, this modpack is incredibly difficult, yet rewarding. - Download the Minecraft
You can morph into 70 mobs from Minecraft: Ender-Dragon, Dinosaur, Robot, Medusa, Zombie, Husk, Drowned, Zombie Pigman, Enderman, Skeleton, Stray, Creeper, Blaze, Cow, Pig, Sheep, Chicken, Spider, Iron Golem, Villager, Wolf, Cat, Bat, Slime, Snow Golem, Ghast, Vex, Bee, Horse, Witch...
Fry's Things: Guns and More Mod|1.16.5版本 71817:16 Macaw的桥梁:悠然一派附属(Macaw's Bridges - Atmospheric)|1.16.5版本 73017:05 我的世界Creeper Overhaul Mod 52015:41 我的世界Hexerei Mod 40316:56 我的世界From the shadows Mod 999+20:05 我的世界Ori Mod 11417:30 Deeper in the ...
This mod adds 4 mobs: • Mutant Enderman and Mutant Snow Golem • Mutant Zombie: Has 50 hearts health. Melee attack dealing 12 damage Roar Attack and Toss Attack Gives Hulk Hammer upon death (32 uses) • Mutant Creeper: Direct & Jump attack ...