Zombie Villagers now update to new Zombie Villagers when not part of template worlds 僵尸村民现在升级至新的僵尸村民,而不是模板世界的一部分 How to Play has been updated with helpful Village & Pillage knowledge ”如何游玩”帮助菜单中有用的村庄和掠夺者知识已更新 Improvements to villager and iron go...
Villager Trading 村民交易 Added brand new villager trades 全新的交易系统 Villagers now have a visual based trading system and will hold up an item they wish to trade if the player is holding something they want 村民现在拥有可视化交易系统,并且如果玩家持有对应物品,他们将持有他们交易的物品 When vil...
Original Villager and Zombie variant spawn eggs can still be obtained and used in Marketplace content that utilised them 原始的村民和僵尸变种怪物蛋仍然可以在使用它们的市场内容中获得和使用 来自MCBBS[zyjking]http://www.mcbbs.net/thread-853257-1-1.html 如果你想第一时间知道MC的资讯就来关注我吧!
[22:38:51] [pool-3-thread-1/INFO] [mixin/]: Mixing MixinVillagerEntity from assets/enigmaticlegacy/enigmaticlegacy.mixins.json into net.minecraft.entity.merchant.villager.VillagerEntity[22:38:53] [pool-3-thread-1/INFO] [mixin/]: Mixing MixinPiglinMobsSensor from assets/enigmaticlegacy/...
例子:/summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {IsVillager:1b,VillagerProfession:3} 方块实体:命令方块 auto (byte):当为1时命令方块不需要使用红石激活。 当添加到脉冲型命令方块时,它只会在向命令方块中写完命令之后的一瞬间执行一次。 当添加到循环型命令方块时,它会每刻不断激活。 当添加到连锁型命令方块时,它会在...
2After removing the lava source block, it takes several minutes for the lava to completely disappear.移除熔岩源方塊後,熔岩需要好幾分鐘的時間才能完全消失。 3If zombies and skeletons stay in the water, they can survive in the light of the day.如果僵屍和骷髏呆在水裏,它們就可以在白天的光中存活...
Current Hide Minecraft Wiki Others Like You Viewed Minecraft Wiki Java Edition removed features Formatting codes Splash Texts Title Screen Top Pages this Week Trading 1 Brewing 2 Smithing Template 3 Villager 4 Enchanting 5 AdvertisementMinecraft Wiki 7,488 pages Explore Games Minecraft Minecraft Dun...
Climb to the top of a mangrove tree and leap through the swamps with Frogs 来与青蛙一起爬上红树树顶,越过沼泽吧! Find allays to help gather items 寻找悦灵来帮你收集物品吧! Added several new music tracks to enjoy during gameplay 添加了一些新的音乐,在游玩过程中慢慢欣赏吧 ...
In the village chests is loot, useful for thieves. Each villager in MCPE 1.11 has its own trading level. It increases as he successfully sold. Buying items you improve the villagers trading level and open access to other more valuable items. ...
Some items have multiple tiers depending on the material used to craft them, with higher-tier items being more effective and durable. Players can construct furnaces, which can cook food, process ores, and convert materials into other materials.[43] Players may also trade goods with villager ...