VillagerProfession (integer):殭屍村民的標籤,決定了殭屍的職業,也決定了被治癒時將變成的村民的職業。 殭屍的外表與職業相符。 這個標籤在村民變為殭屍時被保留,反之亦然。 例子:/summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {IsVillager:1b,VillagerProfession:3} 方塊實體:指令方塊 auto (byte):當為1時指令方塊不需要使用紅石...
例子:/summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {IsVillager:1b,VillagerProfession:3} 方块实体:命令方块 auto (byte):当为1时命令方块不需要使用红石激活。 当添加到脉冲型命令方块时,它只会在向命令方块中写完命令之后的一瞬间执行一次。 当添加到循环型命令方块时,它会每刻不断激活。 当添加到连锁型命令方块时,它会在...
you have to find a stray cat and bring it home. Cats can be found easily in Minecraft. Stray cats can be found in villages with at least one villager and four beds. With every four beds in a village, a cat will spawn. So, you have to find a ...
VILLAGER 村民 Villagers will now flee from Zoglins (MCPE-74974) 村民现在会躲避僵尸疣猪兽了 (MCPE-74974) 流浪商人 WANDERING TRADER The Wandering Trader will now flee from Zoglins 流浪商人现在会躲避僵尸疣猪兽了 The Wandering Trader will now drink milk to clear its invisibility effect (MCPE-44605)...
VILLAGER 村民 Villagers will now flee from Zoglins (MCPE-74974) 村民现在会躲避僵尸疣猪兽了 (MCPE-74974) 流浪商人 WANDERING TRADER The Wandering Trader will now flee from Zoglins 流浪商人现在会躲避僵尸疣猪兽了 The Wandering Trader will now drink milk to clear its invisibility effect (MCPE-44605)...