The mod is pretty simple you can craft a player tracker using the recipe below and it will allow you to use a new command /track {player name} which will comsume one of the player trackers in your inventory and give you a coordinate radius that the player name you input is inside of...
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.event.CraftEventFactory.callEvent( org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.event.CraftEventFactory.callEntityDamageEvent( org.bukkit....
PLAYER TRACKER Unique to ServerMiner, we allow you to track your player's geographic locations and daily habits. FREE STUFF You'll get a FREE 10 slot Mumble Voice Server, a database, 45 days Enjin Advanced Tier Website and BuyCraft Premium. ...
PLAYER TRACKER Unique to ServerMiner, we allow you to track your player's geographic locations and daily habits. FREE STUFF You'll get a FREE 10 slot Mumble Voice Server, a database, 45 days Enjin Advanced Tier Website and BuyCraft Premium. Here's a Sneak Peek Track your Players Never...
Issue tracker Continuous integration End-user documentation YourKit supports open source projects with innovative and intelligent tools for monitoring and profiling Java and .NET applications. YourKit is the creator ofYourKit Java Profiler,YourKit .NET Profiler, andYourKit YouMonitor. ...
Player tracker for spectators Player stats Leader board Auto updating leader board signs Arena leave checker Customizable shop Shop can be enabled/disabled per arena Kits - can be enabled per arena Heads - interfaces with HeadsPlus plugin by Thatsmusic99 PVP can be enabled/disabled per arena ...
Beyond that, everybody is invited to help others with issues and questions in the issue tracker, comment section, and the discord channel! Also considercontributing translations! Third-Party Add-On Plugins Sometimes, a feature is either to specific to include directly into the Shopkeepers plugin, ...
Plugin Information Lead Dev bastetfurry techkid6 Links Bugtracker Bugtracker Contents 1 Summary 2 Files 3 Built-in Commands 3.1 getblockat 3.2 getplayerinfo 3.3 setplayerhealth 3.4 setplayerfood 3.5 sendmsgtoplayer 3.6 sendmsgtogroup 3.7 sendmsgtoall 3.8 savetolog 3.9 remotecommand 4 Usag...
Entity Tracker Fixer(1.14+) Farm Limiter(Premium, 1.7+) Mob Farm Manager(Premium, 1.7+) Lag Assist(Premium 1.8+) Spark(1.8+) StackMob(1.16+) Armor Stand-Limiter(1.8+) These plugins are not guaranteed to completely stop the lag on your server, but they can go a long way to help. If...
/farmcontrol reload- Reload the plugin's configuration. /farmcontrol status <world>- Show the status of the given world. /farmcontrol history- Display actions performed by the plugin in the recent past. /farmcontrol notify- Toggle notifications from the plugin. ...