The mod is pretty simple you can craft a player tracker using the recipe below and it will allow you to use a new command /track {player name} which will comsume one of the player trackers in your inventory and give you a coordinate radius that the player name you input is inside of...
The player is the main controlled character in Minecraft. The nine default player skins are known as Steve, Alex, Noor, Sunny, Ari, Zuri, Makena, Kai, and Efe with all unchanged skins being split between these nine skins. There are nine default player sk
Minecraft: Java Edition MC-92916 Player is removed from the EntityTracker when teleporting to unloaded chunks or changing dimensions, resulting in client side desyncResolved Export Details Type: Bug Resolution: Cannot Reproduce Fix Version/s: Minecraft 1.12 Pre-Release 3 Affects Version/s: ...
can we at least use values stored in scoreboards or something for the attribute command and other commands like that edit: i just found out about macros Dhranios added a comment - 30/Nov/24 7:02 AM WAI: MC-122102 See
importnet.minecraftforge.fml.common.gameevent.PlayerEvent.PlayerRespawnEvent;//導入依賴的package包/類@SubscribeEventpublicvoidonPlayerRespawn(PlayerRespawnEventevent){ } 開發者ID:Deadrik,項目名稱:TFC2,代碼行數:6,代碼來源 示例14: onPlayerRespawn ...
public void runCommand(MinecraftServer server, CommandBase command, ICommandSender sender, String[] args) throws CommandException { if(sender instanceof EntityPlayer) { EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer)sender; if(!player.inventory.addItemStackToInventory(new ItemStack(BetterQuesting.guideBook))) { ...
包路径:net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer类名称:EntityPlayer方法名:getCooldownTracker EntityPlayer.getCooldownTracker介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Botania @Nonnull @Override public EnumActionResult onItemUse(EntityPlayer player, World world, BlockPos pos, EnumHand hand, Enum...
The Announcer states, "We are in the beam" when a teammate enters the UFO's tracker beam to complete the map objective. The phrase is synonymous with this map and used as an exclamation of excitement within the community. Berd A Berd is a term for any player wearing one of the bird ...
npc xxx: This is for the compatibility withCustom Npcs. After you create a NPC with CPM Male or CPM Female model, use this command to select model for the nearest NPC. FAQ I want some new features / find some bugs! You can rise new issues atgithub issue tracker. Or you can contact...
The most widely used, high performance Minecraft server that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies - Paper/patches/server/0138-Basic-PlayerProfile-API.patch at 3c0d6aaed9467b42389c0c6fd3fb2fde3efd2155 · Esophose/Paper