@a[limit=3,sort=nearest][仅Java版]或@p[limit=3][仅Java版]或@p[c=3][仅基岩版]— 选择距离最近的3名玩家。 @a[limit=4,sort=furthest][仅Java版]或@p[c=-4][仅基岩版]— 选择距离最远的4名玩家。 @a[limit=2,sort=random][仅Java版]或@r[c=2][仅基岩版]— 随机选择2名玩家。 通过...
MC-108967 — /scoreboard teams join/leave命令缺失“选择器'<选择器>'找不到任何对象”错误信息。 MC-109348 — 由于同一个位置上有多个方块实体,加载世界时会导致游戏java.lang.StackOverflowError崩溃。 MC-109376 —在Linux上,非美式键盘在物品栏中有不支持的键。 MC-109591 — 无法探测未...
Projectile weapon Enchantments like infinity, multishot and piercing now work on both Crossbows and Bows, if placed onto the alternative weapon using data manipulation or a change to the enchantable/* tags) 远程武器的魔咒,如infinity、multishot和piercing在修改数据或修改物品标签enchantable/*并附魔在弩...
– story/enchant_item 僵尸科医生Zombie Doctor 弱化并治疗一名僵尸村民 勇往直下 找到一个带有虚弱效果的僵尸村民(可通过向其投掷喷溅型或滞留型虚弱药水来实现)并按下使用键喂它吃一个金苹果,直到它被治愈成村民。 story/cure_zombie_villager 隔墙有眼Eye Spy 跟随末影之眼 勇往直下 进入要塞。 story/follow...
Minecraft also involves theuse of magic. You can also use magic to enchant your armor and weapons. Magic is also used by the evil Pillagers who use it to harm you. You can use magic togain different powerslike underwater breathing, resistance to fire, mending, unbreaking, and night vision...
entryOf(enchantKey); item.addEnchantment(enchantEntry, level.get()); } item.set(DataComponentTypes.CUSTOM_NAME, Text.literal(nom.get()).formatted(Formatting.valueOf(nomcolor.get().toUpperCase())); Expand Down 173 changes: 33 additions & 140 deletions 173 src/main/java/pwn/noobs/trouser...
Adds JavaDocs Adds support for 1.16.1 Adds new command executors (These let you filter commands based on what type of command executor runs the command): Player command executors Command block command executors Console command executors Entity command executors Proxied command executors Adds new argu...
You can give yourself a netherite pickaxe using chat commands. Open your chat and enter the following command: /give @s netherite_pickaxe Hold the pickaxe in your hand and enter the following chat command to enchant it withFortune 3:
Commands Color Codes Supported!! Hex colors supported (UberEnchant 8.9.3+, 1.16+, requires spigot/paper) Hex format: #000000 Hex example for red:#ff0000This is red /uadd enchant <enchantment|alias> <level> Adds <enchantment> with <level> to held item ...
不易啊 /enchant @s 装备: Projectile Protection 弹射物保护(4) Depth_Strider 深海探索者(3) frost_walker 冰霜行者(2) Curse_of _Binding 绑定诅咒(1) Soul_Speed 灵魂疾行 Fire_Protection 火焰保护(4) Feather_Falling 摔落保护(4) Blast_Protection 爆炸保护(4) Respiration 水下呼吸(3) Aqua_Affinity...