下面是我闲的没事搞的32k盒子,注意一定要在enchantment.level(附魔等级)的上限是2147483647(2^31-1)的版本(如,Minecraft 1.16.5)使用,不然enchantment.level.2147483647就会变成你当前使用的版本的上限。此外,这条指令不能在Minecraft旧版本打开(如,Minecraft 1.12),因为语法不通用。 注:下面的盒子都套了一个木桶,因...
Minecraft: Java Edition - 1.20.5 Pre-Release 2 Minecraft: Java 版 - 1.20.5-pre2 It's the start of a new week and we're coming right out of the gate with another pre-release for Minecraft: Java Edition 1.20.5! Apart from upping our pun-game in the Advancements department, this pre...
Mexican Spanish and Italian translations are changed to match Java Edition Bundle help text is lighter Command guide messages in command blocks are the same as Java Edition Save and Load for structure blocks are now "SAVE" and "LOAD" Main audio slider is now "Master" === Default Textures Su...
These data values refer to the different types of blocks, items and other features on Java Edition and are used in many places in Minecraft. Block IDs are used to define blocks placed in the world. Item IDs are valid only for items (including items in ch
|Minecraft Java版是指Windows、Mac OS与Linux平台上,使用Java语言开发的Minecraft版本。|正式版是...
Added exclamation marks to certain splash texts that were missing to match Java Edition (MCPE-165962) 为缺失感叹号的闪烁标语加入了感叹号以匹配 Java 版(MCPE-165962) Fixed capitalization in title of Behavior Pack message modal (MCPE-156331) 修复了行为包消息弹窗的标题大小写不正确的问题(MCPE-156331)...
|预发布版是 Minecraft Java 版的测试机制,如果该版本作为正式版发布,那么预发布版的游戏文件将与启动器推送的正式版完全相同。 |然而,预发布版主要用于服主和 Mod 制作者的预先体验,如果发现重大漏洞,该预发布版会被新的预发布版代替。因此建议普通玩家持观望态度。
Minecraft Java 版正式版 Oh, hello. I didn’t see you there! I was too busy inspecting these mangrove tree roots. They’re all tangled up! What do you mean they’re supposed to be? Hey, that’s pretty neat. 哦,你好!没注意到你在!我正忙着观察这些红树根。它们长的非常乱!你说什么,它...
Based on the level of the enchantment and whether it is classified as a "treasure enchantment" (meaning they are not obtainable by enchanting, e.g. Mending), which doubles the cost, or not a price is determined. In Java Edition, librarian villagers have a 2⁄3 chance to sell an ...
(For this version we will not attempt movement parity with Java edition, but may do more in this area later) (在当前版本中我们不会尝试将移动特性与java版同步,但是以后可能会) World Interactions 世界交互 Spectators pass through solid blocks and entities without any collisions ...