/enchant Adds an enchantment to a player's selected item. Game Directors Yes /event Triggers an event for the specified entity or entities. Game Directors Yes /execute Executes a command on behalf of one or more entities. See more information in the Popular Commands page and the New Execute...
item.addEnchantment(enchantEntry, level.get()); } item.set(DataComponentTypes.CUSTOM_NAME, Text.literal(nom.get()).formatted(Formatting.valueOf(nomcolor.get().toUpperCase())); Expand Down 173 changes: 33 additions & 140 deletions 173 src/main/java/pwn/noobs/trouserstreak/modules/NewerNew...
How to enter console commands in Bedrock Edition Mojang On the Bedrock Edition, the process is slightly different. Create or load into a world and open the menu. Go to theCheatstab and toggle themOn.Now, just like in Java, you can open the chat menu and input / to start entering comma...
在Java版1.14.3中,合并修复工具的合成配方被重新加入;在Java版1.16的快照20w10a中,将钻石装备升级为下界合金装备的合成配方则被转移至锻造台。 将流体独立出方块范畴 Java版1.13加入了含水机制,这标志着将流体从方块范畴中分离的开端。官方曾在2018年发布了一张开发版本的截图,其中展示了流入树叶和花的水,且官方指...
#310 Hotfixed a null pointer exception with redirected commands #383 Fixed ParticleArgument not working in 1.19.3 Fixed EnchantmentArgument not working in 1.19.3 Fixed JavaDocs in IDEs not working when using commandapi-shade Hotfixed permission check failing when permissions have been incorrectly ini...
Reloads any custom enchantment configs to allow changes to take effect /uhelp Lists all the commands Current enchants and potion effects: Use the in-game command (/ulist) to see enchantments Permissions Defaults to op To use a specific enchantment for free: ...
New blocks can be added or removed from groups with the following commands: /veinminer group edit <name> add-block <block> /veinminer group edit <name> remove-block <block> Groups can be limited to certain tools, for example group wood can only be mined by axes. If no tool is added ...
在Java版1.14.3中,合并修复工具的合成配方被重新加入;在Java版1.16的快照20w10a中,将钻石装备升级为下界合金装备的合成配方则被转移至锻造台。 将流体独立出方块范畴 Java版1.13加入了含水机制,这标志着将流体从方块范畴中分离的开端。官方曾在2018年发布了一张开发版本的截图,其中展示了流入树叶和花的水,且官方指...
Minecraft Java版 It’s here. The Cave Update, with a side of cliffs. That’s right, The Caves & Cliffs Update: Part I is launching today! 终于来了,洞穴与山崖的更新。没错,洞穴与山崖第一部分今日发布! Now you can finally swim with the glow squid, fight alongside the axolotls, and get...