tickspeed1.0for minecraft1.10.0发布!命令:/tickspeed [frequency] [mode]frequency代表每秒钟tick的数量。原版为20。请输入1到1000之内的数字!为了玩家更好操作,新添了mode这个选项。它决定将改变应用于哪些地方。当输入0时,将tickspeed的更改应用于服务端与所有的客户端。当输入1时,将更改应用于本地的客户端当...
randomTick..1.8加入的,改变每秒随机刻发生次数,默认是3。可以设置更高,设置为0停止随机刻/gamerule randomTickSpeed #调高可以加速作物生长,树的生长,草地的蔓延,下界传送门生成僵尸猪人
duration 参数现在是一个时间段,单位是 tick ,同时 t、s 和d 等后缀同样生效 To retain existing functionality, you need to add an s suffix to pre-existing commands 想要保留旧命令的功能,你需要在之前的命令后添加 s 后缀RIDERIDENew command to allow entities to start or stop riding other entities....
nbtexplorer打开level.dat 直接修改gamerule/randomTickSpeed回3 完事 来自iPhone客户端2楼2019-02-18 23:46 收起回复 此用户名无效额 末影水晶 13 你也太相信你的电脑和服务器了吧 来自Android客户端3楼2019-02-19 01:18 收起回复 mc用户2 世界重构 1 /gamerule randomTickSpeed 999999999 4楼2020-07-...
Once you’ve changed the tick speed value in Minecraft and your server crashes, this means you set it too high or have too many events happening in-game. Make sure to avoid increasing it by too much, as a golden rule is to gradually increase it. However, solving this problem is a bit...
萌新提问:如何用/g..萌新提问:如何用/gamerule randomTickSpeed 把时间流逝改为正常,之前改过一次好像太快了
在Java版中,在每个游戏刻,执行区块刻的区块中,每个区段默认会被随机选出randomTickSpeed个方块给予随机刻,数量可由/gamerule randomTickSpeed自定义(默认为 3)。在基岩版中,每个游戏刻每个区块默认会随机选出区段数×2.5×randomTickSpeed个方块给予随机刻,同样可由/gamerule randomTickSpeed自定义(默认为 1,但等效...
设置或查询游戏规则。 Java版 gamerule <规则名称> [<value>] 参数在Java版中区分大小写。 基岩版 gamerule gamerule <rule: BoolGameRule> [value: Boolean] gamerule <rule: IntGameRule> [value: int] 参数在基岩版中输入时不区分大小写。 规则名称(基岩版:rule: BoolG
Unrelated to commandBlockOutput, which is output into the visible chatrandomTickSpeed [value]Controls how often a random tick occurs; random ticks influence how fast plants and crops grow, how fast pigmen spawn from portals, how fast farmland updates, how fast grass and mycelium grow and decay...
Increase the time players utilize Diamond equipment before Netherite 延长钻石装备的使用寿命 Make Netherite equipment more significant achievement in the game's progression 让下界合金装备成为游戏流程内的一个重要成就 Adapt Netherite more naturally into the new Smithing Table crafting system 让下界合金升级能...