加载提示(Loading Tips)是基岩版和原主机版在加载世界时显示的一段提示语。 以下是当前使用的部分加载提示。 以下是在水域更新的基础上添加的加载提示。 以下是首批加入的加载提示,只应用于水域更新之前的版本。 以下是玩家使用基岩版Beta时,代替常规提示出现的加载提示
Zombies once again spawn in dripstone caves – drowned can also spawn there however 僵尸(以及溺尸...
Raised the drop rate for copper ingots from Drowned to 11% + 2% per level of looting 将溺尸...
Adds emissive textures for Drowned, Stray, Iron Golem, Guardian & Elder Guardian, Ghast (shooting) Quivers Add-on: Adds quiver models on the backs of Skeletons and Strays Slamacow Add-on: Adds variants based on characters from Slamacow Creations, and tweaks some mobs based on the character mod...
Drowned can no longer spawn where the block light level is above 0 (MCPE-150148) 溺尸不再能够在亮度0以上的表面生成 Bees no longer become angry when Beehives are destroyed by Silk Touch (MCPE-83550) 使用精准开集破坏蜂巢时不再会惹怒蜜蜂 ...
Drowneds Swimming Drowned swimming is faster and uses the swim speed attibute instead of the movement speed one. Also the AI for swimming should be a little better. Endermen Get Over Here Disabled by default, endermen teleport players if they can't reach them ...
Fixed Fangs from Evoker spells not being spawnable in blocks with no bounding boxes 修复了唤魔者召唤的唤魔者尖牙无法在无边界框的方块中生成的问题 Changed the spawning logic for Iron Golems and Cats to make it easier for them to spawn in roofed areas, like underground villages (MCPE-142292) ...
1.14.3pre1 Panicking villagers now have a higher chance of spawning iron golems. Farmer villagers now spend more time farming when they are working. Farmer villagers now always give away food even if other villagers do not need it. pre2 Panicked villagers now have to work and sleep, so ...
drowned: ridable: false ridable-in-water: false controllable: true attributes: max_health: 20.0 spawn_reinforcements: 0.1 jockey: only-babies: true chance: 0.05 try-existing-chickens: true takes-damage-from-water: false can-break-doors: false always-drop-exp: false donkey...
Tridents are prized weapons in Minecraft, but their rarity matches their value. You can’t craft them; but you can achieve them through combat and elimination, pilfering, bartering, and command usage. Further, inn Bedrock Edition, drowned have a 15% chance of spawning with a Trident (6.25...