加载提示(Loading Tips)是基岩版和原主机版在加载世界时显示的一段提示语。 以下是当前使用的部分加载提示。 以下是在水域更新的基础上添加的加载提示。 以下是首批加入的加载提示,只应用于水域更新之前的版本。 以下是玩家使用基岩版Beta时,代替常规提示出现的加载提示
Axolotl will attack Fish, Squid, Drowned, and Guardians!Axolotls come in a variety of colors, ...
Nautilus: Spawns deep underwater in ocean biomes, with the exception of cold and frozen oceans, often in ravines. When approached by a player, drowned or squids, it dashes off, leaving a trail of bubbles. Careful following it, as it's immune to the pull of bubble columns- and you are...
With Minecraft being so square, it's interesting to see amountainwith a rounder appearance. After spawning into the world, you'll find yourself on top of this mountain. Climb over its peak and down the back of it to come across a Dripstone Cave. If you prefer the Deep Dark, a ravine...
Drowned are able to convert villagers to zombie villagers, even when attacking with a trident from a distance. RaidsMain article: RaidDuring a raid, villagers flee from illagers and run to the nearest house, similar to a zombie siege. For a villager to hide, the house must have a door ...
MC-146919 - Drowned, fish and guardians are not spawning MC-147031 - When a zombie wakes up a villager, the bed tag is still on occupied (occupied: true) MC-147056 - Zombie villagers spawned with a zombie village move very fast
- Fixed the spawning of all mobs- Wulfrum Drone will now only shoot lasers when supercharged- Fixed Lab Turret, it will now protect you if you placed it, or if a player is close, it will be theirs- Wulfrum Rover will not jump anymore, it will also now increase its defense and show...
Digging a new shaft to escape the underground could result in sand falling on them when it turns out they dug their exit below a desert biome, or they could be drowned when the entire ocean floods their exit shaft. If players do get lost, they can dig up in a stairs pattern so that...
enable: false check-period-in-ticks: 80 # Prevents wither skulls from being shot. disable-withers-from-shooting-skulls: false rate-limit-wither-skulls: # This can help combat lag caused by a ton of wither skulls # spawning but weakens withers. enable: false # Cooldown until another skull ...
Or Bad Mobs to disable or limit the spawning of mobs you don't like. You could also use Mobs Properties Randomness if you wanted to weaken or buff certain mobs too!Whilst all the mobs can be dealt with using only vanilla mechanics, it'd be far more fun if you also installed other mo...