(Launch.java:70)Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: gg/essential/main/Bootstrapat net.labymod.addons.labyforge.core.mods.essential.LabyEssentialBootstrap.initializeEssential(LabyEssentialBootstrap.java:19)at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke(DirectMethodHandleAccessor....
(preview) Work with this sample on the MCTools.dev code sandbox.givePlayerEquipment.tsTypeScript 复制 import { world, ItemStack, EntityEquippableComponent, EquipmentSlot, EntityComponentTypes, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server"; import { MinecraftItemTypes } from "@minecraft/vanilla-data"...
Players no longer take fall damage when falling through water at high speeds (MCPE-152485) 玩家以高速坠入水中时不会再受到摔落伤害(MCPE-152485) After choosing the Main Menu option on the death screen, the player hitbox is now the correct size when returning to that world (MCPE-167045) 现在...
("music.menu", musicOptions);constworldSoundOptions: WorldSoundOptions = { pitch:0.5, volume:4.0, }; world.playSound("ambient.weather.thunder", targetLocation, worldSoundOptions);constplayerSoundOptions: PlayerSoundOptions = { pitch:1.0, volume:1.0, }; players[0].playSound("bucket.fill_water"...
00 音符盒 NOTE_BLOCK 25 动力铁轨 POWERED_RAIL 27 探测铁轨 DETECTOR_RAIL 28 粘性活塞 PISTON_STICKY_BASE 29 灌木 LONG_GRASS 31 枯死的灌木 DEAD_BUSH 32 活塞 PISTON_BASE 33 白色羊毛 WOOL 35 橙色羊毛 WOOL:1 35:01:00 红色羊毛 WOOL:2 35:02:00 蓝色羊毛 WOOL:3 35:03:00 黄色羊毛 WOOL:4...
consider an aquatic build featuring kelp, sponge, fish, and colorful blocks, as demonstrated inthis video. This approach not only enhances the visual appeal of your underwater base but also highlights the diverse possibilities within Minecraft for constructing specialized builds that focus on marine ...
How many layers of snow are on top of each other. State value Blocks Integer (1 to 8) Snow leavesHow big the leaves are on this bamboo. State value Blocks large none small Bamboo levelHow much water or lava is in this block or cauldron. State value Blocks ...
{},"minecraft:navigation.walk": {"avoid_water":true},"minecraft:behavior.tempt": {"priority":1,"speed_multiplier":1.4,"items": ["diamond"],"within_radius":7.0},"minecraft:behavior.random_stroll": {"priority":3,"speed_multiplier":0.8},"minecraft:experience_reward": {"on_death":8} }...
Use it to craft a variety of mud brick blocks including stairs, slabs, and walls. This block is also renewable by using a water bottle on dirt, so there is no risk of running out of mud. Placing Mud above a block that has pointed dripstone underneath will eventually turn the mud block...
On random occasions, the villager displays water particles as if sweating. In Java Edition, once the player gains the Hero of the Village status after defeating a raid, villagers give them a discount for their trades and throw them gifts related to their profession. For a list of items tha...