Joining worlds created from world templates on Realms and dedicated servers no longer prompt the user to download packs for templates they have locally 在Realms 和专用服务器上加入由世界模板创建的世界时,不再提示用户为他们在本地拥有的模板下载包 ...
Near coasts, ocean and river biomes often have land, while land biomes can be underwater. You can enable the "terrain" option below the map to automatically adjust the colors of such mismatches. Requirements Seed For technical reasons, you need to know the seed of your world to use Biome ...
"minecraft:environment_sensor": { "triggers": [ { "filters": { "test": "in_water", "operator": "!=", "value": true }, "event": "start_drying_out" } ] } At /minecraft:entity/component_groups/axolotl_on_land_in_rain/minecraft:environment_sensor/:JSON...
If true, this entity can breathe in water. Type: boolean Notes: This property can throw errors when used. generatesBubbles read-only generatesBubbles: boolean; If true, this entity will have visible bubbles while in water. Type: boolean Notes: This property can throw errors when used. inhale...
Manacube is especially well-known for its excellent parkour gameplay. If you’re looking for something a little different, its Islands game mode tasks you with surviving on a mostly-submerged island – while staying away from the poisonous water. Or there’s Olympus, a prison-based server where...
When present on an item, this item has a cooldown effect when used by entities. Properties cooldownCategory read-only cooldownCategory: string; Represents the cooldown category that this item is associated with. Type:string Notes: This property can throw errors when used. ...
Players no longer take fall damage when falling through water at high speeds (MCPE-152485) 玩家以高速坠入水中时不会再受到摔落伤害(MCPE-152485) After choosing the Main Menu option on the death screen, the player hitbox is now the correct size when returning to that world (MCPE-167045) 现在...
(preview) Work with this sample on theMCTools.devcode sandbox. unsubscribe(callback: (arg: PistonActivateAfterEvent) => void): void Removes a callback from being called when a piston expands or retracts. Parameters callback: (arg:PistonActivateAfterEvent) =>void ...
Appears near bodies of water. His attack inflicts Myiasis on the player, a new effect in which the player will receive periodic damage until his health level is below 17 units; at the end of the effect, the maggot will disappear from the player; you can get rid of the effect by ...
Measuring eyes on Soul Sand or Soul Soil with Soul Speed while FOV effects are reduced (i.e. when the FOV Effects slider is less than 100%) Measuring eyes underwater while submerged FOV effects are reduced (i.e. when Control Submerged FOV is enabled and the FOV Effects slider is less ...