[AddonPreparer] Loading addon modcompat v1.1.12[14:13:30][AddonPreparer] Loading addon tnttimer v1.1.1[14:13:30][AddonPreparer] Loading addon clearwater v1.0.6[14:13:30][AddonPreparer] Loading addon flux v1.2.17[14:13:30][AddonPreparer] Loading addon spotify v1.0.24[14:13:30][...
(4) Put your strainer into the base The strainer will now filter the water for items. The list of items depends on the strainer type. Items can be extracted from the bottom of the Strainer Base. What is Water Strainer Mod for Minecraft: It is a Minecraft mod that adds a new item to...
【Mod搬运】1.5..安装说明:关闭Minecraft.使用winrar或者7-zip打开Minecraft.jar(在你的Minecraft根目录的BIN文件夹下)删除Minecraft.jar中的 META-INF 文
我的世界水源模组-[WaterSource mod] 我的世界水源模组是一个饮水模组,玩家需要喝水来维持生命,如果水分不足,玩家会受到惩罚。在生存初期,玩家可以先做一个滤层,用滤层和水瓶合成纯净水瓶来维持前期水分。玩家也可以吃一些富含水分的食物来回复水分,本模组为原版的一些食物添加了水分值。玩家会在行走/游泳/跳跃/跑...
Thermal Expansion by KingLemmingCoFH- This mod adds several Buildcraft machines which, in the simplest sense, emulate Industrialcraft machines. It also features a very neat modular system for inputs and outputs. It also features methods of creating lava and water. As well as a self contained co...
Dec 15, 2024 Project ID 632622 License GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPLv3) Game VersionsView all Mod LoadersView all Forge Fabric NeoForge Main File 1.21.4 HopoBUR-[1.21.4]-1.2.2 Release R 1.21.4 Fabric NeoForge
class SysSoundType: ItemUseOn = 0 Hit = 1 Step = 2 Fly = 3 Jump = 4 Break = 5 Place = 6 HeavyStep = 7 Gallop = 8 Fall = 9 Ambient = 10 AmbientBaby = 11 AmbientInWater = 12 Breathe = 13 Death = 14 DeathInWater = 15 DeathToZombie = 16 Hurt = 17 HurtInWater = 18 ...
1.船是一种生物实体,所以我们首先要制作船的模型,这里直接使用了原版的船模型,当然你也可以用Blockbench制作模型。 ModelObBoat.java packagecom.joy187.rejoymod.entity.model;importcom.joy187.rejoymod.entity.EntityObBoat;importnet.minecraft.client.model.IMultipassModel;importnet.minecraft.client.model.ModelBa...
// 处理流体接口 private final FluidTank FLUID_TANK = new FluidTank(64000){ @Override protected void onContentsChanged() { setChanged(); ModMessages.sendToClients(new FluidSyncS2CPacket(this.fluid,worldPosition)); } // only in water @Override public boolean isFluidValid(FluidStack stack) { ...
Spiny Shell Trap A new type of trap that can be placed on land or underwater. Deals periodic damage to everyone who steps on it, the same type of damage as cactus spines, so entities protected from this type of damage will not receive damage from the trap. The spikes also slow down ...