Many of these helpful techniques can be put into practice almost instantly. Try them yourself and share them with your team. 1. Listen in the moment You hear what team members and others say every day, but are you truly listening? Mindful listening involves accepting and understanding what ...
Manage stress and boost your productivity at work usingmindfulnessMindfulness at Work Essentials For Dummies explores themany benefits of utilising mindfulness techniques in the workplace,offering managers, HR professionals and businesspeople of alllevels guidance on how mindfulness can help with the ...
Dr. Russell works with individuals and organisations advising on how to use mindfulness techniques to optimise performance and improve mental and physical well-being. She is the Director of the (currently virtual) Mindfulness Centre of Excellence, London, which has as its aim the evaluation of crea...
You don’t have to be a certified Zen Master or expert in meditation to take advantage of basic meditation and mindfulness techniques. Dr. Cortland Dahl, an expert in this area and Research Scientist atThe Center for Healthy Mindsat the University of Wisconsin...
Mindfulness techniques are a valuable tool for managing the challenges of modern life, at work and at home. What Is Meditation? Meditation is a practice that involves training the mind to achieve a state of ease and openness. Through meditation, you can develop awareness of your thoughts, ...
Mindfulness is the ability to be present and free from distraction, giving your fullest attention to any project, conversation, or person in the moment. It’s a quality of mind that results from meditation. Use different mindfulness techniques to raise your mental game in everyday life. ...
Mindfulness at Work Essentials For Dummies explores the many benefits of utilising mindfulness techniques in the workplace, offering managers, HR professionals and businesspeople of all levels guidance on how mindfulness can help with the development of core business skills. You'll discover the key co...
Remember, it’s essential to find a strategy that works for you. Try different techniques and see what works best for your lifestyle and work habits. Keetriais an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise ...
Here’s a breakdown of eight of the more popular mindfulness techniques — all of which are used in the Headspace app. Some will sound intriguing, while others may not be your cup of tea. See which ones work best for you. 1. Focused Attention: ...
Breathing techniques are commonly employed with complimentary treatments, biofeedback, neurofeedback or adjunctive therapeutic strategies to reduce stress and symptoms associated with excessive sympathetic arousal such as anxiety, high blood pressure, insomnia, or gastrointestinal discomfort. Even though it seem...