以冥想/静坐或者其它方式练习过程中,让自己的意识关注在某个事情上,比如让自己放松等等,同时,有目的地关注自己的身体变化,认真觉察身体和意识的体验,注意自己身体和外界的联系。 第二:关注当下(In the Present Moment) 主要通过关注自己的呼吸让意识和思绪回到当下,因为人不可能离开呼吸,呼吸是最代表当下的。同时,注...
Mindfulness--in basic terms,the practice of being "present" in the moment and paying attention to one's own thoughts and feelings--has seen something of a boom over the last few years.While it certainly has its benefits,some argue that it encourages blind acceptance of the status quo,...
Mindfulness, being in the moment is now of the momentMacVean, Mary
[MINDFULNESS IN EVERY MOMENT] There are moments when we’re capable of seeing the interbeing, nonself nature in people and things. But at other moments we forget and fall back into our world of imaginary construction. Continuous practice is important for the flower of enlightenment to bloom per...
MINDFULNESS 【原文 第九章 觉察 第一段】 英文 To be mindful is to be right here, right now capable of being fully present in the moment, receptive to whatever experience should arise, yet caught up i…
It’s inevitable that students in our class might want to give up at some point. When students feel discouraged, for any range of reasons they can disengage, check out early, or have trouble restarting, finishing, or polishing their work. It’s what we do in that moment that determines ...
the growing longevity movement. Skin Longevity Skincare Mindfulness Wellness Re-Nutriv In The Moment Trending Skincare Mindfulness Wellness Women We Love Breathe In, Wind Down For a restful night, try these restorative moves from New York Pilates boss babe Heather Andersen. ...
是以一种特定的方式来觉察,即有意识地觉察(On Purpose)、活在当下(In the Present Moment)及不做判断(Nonjudgementally)”。是意识不在虚拟的思维世界里发散、徘徊,而是专注于现实的事物。 Meaningful mindfulness: How it could help you be happier, healthier and more successful ...
Mindfulness is paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally. 正念是一种有意地,不加评判地,对当下的注意(觉察)。 正念包括两个要素: 第一个要素是: 对当下的,此时此刻的体验的觉察。 第二个要素是: 对体验采取一种好奇的,开放的,接纳的态度。
Mindfulness starts to get really interesting when we can learn to integrate it into everyday life. Remember, mindfulness means to be present, in the moment. And if you can do it sitting on a chair, then why not do it while out shopping, drinking a cup of tea, eating your food, holdin...