M = min(A) returns the minimum elements of an array. If A is a vector, then min(A) returns the minimum of A. If A is a matrix, then min(A) is a row vector containing the minimum value of each column of A. If A is a multidimensional array, then min(A) operates along the ...
M = min(A) returns the minimum elements of an array. If A is a vector, then min(A) returns the minimum of A. If A is a matrix, then min(A) is a row vector containing the minimum value of each column of A. If A is a multidimensional array, then min(A) operates along the ...
1: MATLAB min() Function to Find the Smallest Element in an Array The min() function in MATLAB is used to find the smallest possible element in an array. The following example uses the min() function to find the smallest value of the data array. data = [12,14,18,17,23,56,0,22,...
I got a question on Matlab. I am trying to build Array of min values from Two dimensional Array. Basically, the idea is to look for minimum value at each column & record the index. If there are more then one minimum value then record it in different array, but the new array upto th...
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: ThemeCopy betad = 0:30:180; betar = deg2rad(betad); T2array = zeros(2,numel(betar)); for k = 1 : length(betar) Beta = betar(k); T2(k) = (2500)/sin(Beta); T2array(:,k) = [min(T2); max(T2)]; end T2arr...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 I have 2 vectors of equal dimension, A and B. To each value of A corresponds a value of B, but equal values of A can correspond to different values of B. I need to obtain a cell array, "Min", whose cells are vectors with the indexes of the minimum...
movmin operates along thefirstarraydimension whose size doesnotequal1.Y=movmin(X,[NB NF])fora vector Xandnonnegative integers NBandNF computes a moving minimum along the lengthofX, returning thelocalminimumofthe previous NB elements, thecurrentelement,andthe next NF elementsofX. Y=movmin(......
使用size函数A = imread('lenna.jpg');[h w] = size(A);解决方法:报错的原因是函数返回值得数量...
Matlab中max函数用法 每一列作为一个向量,返回一个行向量,行向量的第i个值是A矩阵中第i列中的最大值。 (2) [C,index] =max(A):返回返回行向量C和index,C向量记录矩阵A每列的最大值, index记录A每列最大值的行号(即每列最大值的索引) (3)[C,index] =max(A,[],dim):返回A中有dim指定的维数范...
Missing value indicator, specified a scalar, vector, matrix, or multidimensional array of integers ranging from -128 to 127. Each element is a quality code to treat as missing data. By default,minremoves any missing data before computing the minimum. To interpolate the data instead of removing...