9.实验室管理:实验室应建立完善的管理制度,确保实验室环境的清洁、安全,以及实验器材的维护和消毒等。 ISO5538:2004ENMilkandmilkproducts—Sampling—Inspectionbyattributes是一个关于牛奶和奶制品采样的国际标准,规定了采样的原则、方法、保存和检验方法等,以确保检验结果的准确性和可靠性。
英文名称:Milk and milk products — Quality control in microbiological laboratories — Part 1: Analyst performance assessment for colony counts 标准状态:现行 发布日期:2005-05-20 文档简介 ISO14461-1:2005标准主要涉及到牛奶和奶制品的微生物实验室质量控制。该标准主要关注了实验室分析员在微生物计数方面的性...
ISO6785:2001ENMilkandmilkproducts—DetectionofSalmonellaspp.是国际标准化组织(ISO)发布的一个标准,用于牛奶和奶制品中沙门氏菌的检测。这个标准提供了详细的检测方法和操作指南,以确保食品安全和消费者健康。 首先,这个标准规定了实验室检测的基本要求,包括实验室设施、设备、人员培训和操作规范等。其次,它详细说明了...
Milk is the normal secretion of the mammary glands for the feeding of the young of mammals. In the United States, the primary milk in commerce is cow’s milk. The responsibility for insuring the quality of this food product rests primarily with the indiv
【正版授权-英语版】 ISO 15322:2005 EN Dried milk and dried milk products - Determination of their behaviour in hot coffee (Coffee test)上传人:中国标准出版社 IP属地:四川 上传时间:2024-07-06 格式:PDF 页数:1 大小:300KB 积分:350 ©正版授权 第1页 / 共1页...
Milk is a product secreted by the milk gland or udder. The milk gland makes milk from the food under the influence of hormones. Cows eat grass, hay and cut maize. Besides that they also get concentrate foods. The cow chews and ruminates all this food. In the rumen (one of the four ...
European Communities (2006): Milk and milk products in the European union (ISBN 92-79-02199-0), Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxemurg.Milk and Milk Products in the European Union. URL: ec.europa.eu/agriculture/ publi/fact/milk/2007_en.pdf...
Leser, S. (2013), Milk and Milk Products in Human Nutrition (2011), edited by R. Clemens, O. Hernell, K. Michaelsen, Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop Series Paediatric Programme, Vol. 67, Nestec Ltd., Vevey, Switzerland and S. Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland. ISSN 978-3-8055-9586-...
Standards for milk products Milk powders and cream powder (CODEX STAN 207-1999) 1 Fermented milks (CODEX STAN 243-2003) 6 Blend of evaporated skimmed milk and vegetable fat (CODEX STAN 250-2006) 17 Blend of skimmed milk and vegetable fat in powdered form (CODEX STAN 251-2006) 21 ...
英文名称:Milk and milk products — Determination of nitrogen content — Part 1: Kjeldahl principle and crude protein calculation 标准状态:现行 发布日期:2014-02-03 文档简介 凯氏原理和粗蛋白的计算内容解释如下: ISO8968-1:2014是关于牛奶和奶制品中氮含量测定的标准。氮含量是奶制品营养品质的重要指标之一...