Few data exist on the management and outcome in these patients, but restrictive lung disease appears reasonably well tolerated in pregnancy.120,120a Lymphangioleiomyomatosis and systemic lupus erythematosus may worsen as a result of pregnancy.119 Some drug therapy used for interstitial lung disease ...
LungOne-third of patients with mild COVID-19 have impaired DLCO thirty-four days post-diagnosis. The criteria that define impaired DLCO and the severity of COVID-19 disease affects the proportion of those with impaired DLCO at follow-up. One-fifth of patients have a restrictive spirometric ...
Patients with mild respiratory involvement may develop chronic restrictive lung disease with recurrent respiratory infections and usually die from renal failure during early childhood. First manifestation of renal dysfunction is the progressive disability in concentrating urine, with polyuria, proteinuria and ...
15K Lung Disease refers to a variety of conditions that cause issues in the lungs; there are extrinsic contributors, including those that exist outside the lungs themselves. See how the skeleton, obesity, muscular disorders, and pleural space contribute to restrictive lung disease. Related...
Non-hospitalized adults with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 were eligible; the definition of mild and moderate COVID-19 followed the Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (ninth trial version, China). Patients only showing mild clinical symptoms and no pneumonia signs ...
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