Co-morbidity in mild-to-moderate COPD: comparison to normal and restric- tive lung function. COPD. 2011;8(6):421-428.Lindberg A, Larsson LG, Ronmark E, Lundback B. Co-morbidity in mild-to-moderate COPD: comparison to normal and restrictive lung function. COPD. 2011;8(6):421-8. ...
This study carefully compared a number of features in the epithelium, basement membrane, extracellular matrix, mucous glands, and airway smooth muscle (ASM) in 5 groups of subjects: intermittent asthma, mild-to-moderate persistent asthma, severe persistent asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ...
15K Lung Disease refers to a variety of conditions that cause issues in the lungs; there are extrinsic contributors, including those that exist outside the lungs themselves. See how the skeleton, obesity, muscular disorders, and pleural space contribute to restrictive lung disease. Related...
To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre phase 3 trial that was designed to assess the efficacy and safety of leritrelvir monotherapy for adults with mild-to-moderate COVID-19. In the intention-to-treat population, the pr...
Influence of chest wall conformation on spirometry parameters and outcome in mild-to-moderate idiopathic pulmonary fibrosisSpirometryRestrictive lung diseaseIdiopathic pulmonary fibrosisModified Haller indexOutcomeInternal and Emergency Medicine - Extrinsic causes of restrictive lung syndrome in idiopathic pulmonary...
(defined as pulmonary flow volumes <80% predicted values); known interstitial lung disease; known ischemic, valvular, or rhythmic cardiopathy; and a recent history of moderate to severe COVID-19. The physical performances, demographics, and clinical data of these two groups were collected ...