英文名称:Milk and milk products — Guidelines for a standardized description of microbial inhibitor tests 标准状态:现行 发布日期:2003-10-21 文档简介 ISO13969:2003ENMilkandmilkproducts—微生物抑制剂测试标准化描述指南。 ISO13969:2003是一个国际标准,专门针对牛奶和奶制品中的微生物抑制剂测试的标准化描述...
The interactions between drying off treatment protocol and milk microbiome dynamics are clearly complex, and our evaluations of these interactions were restricted by low biomass samples and contamination effects. Therefore, our analysis will inform the design of future studies to establish whether ...
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Proteomic analysis of macrophage in response toEdwardsiella tarda-infection Lei Qin, Fuhou Li, Xingqiang Wang, Yuying Sun, ... Yingli Gao Pages 86-93 select article Bifidobacterium obtained from mother's milk and their infant stool; A comparative genotyping and antibacterial analysis Research articl...
Increasingly, researchers are discovering associations between microbiome and a wide range of human diseases such as obesity, inflammatory bowel diseases, HIV, and so on. The first step towards microbiome wide association studies is the characterization
The milk samples were collected in sterile, plastic tubes, using a manual breast pump. The samples were immediately frozen and stored at Ϫ20°C until analysis. Skin prick tests (SPTs) were performed at all follow-ups in duplicate at the volar aspects of the forearms with fresh skimmed ...
Temperature changes during warm and cold room ripening, and duration of ripening can significantly change the gene expression of the cheese microbiota, which can affect the flavor formation. In this study, a metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analysis of Swiss-type Maasdam cheese was performed on ...
Evaluationofanovellow-costculturemediumcontaining exclusivelymilk,potatoandglycerolformicrobial transglutaminaseproductionbyStreptomycesmobaraensis EstherGuerra-Rodríguez,ManuelVázquez ∗ FoodTechnologyArea,DepartmentofAnalyticalChemistry,FacultyofVeterinaryScience,UniversityofSantiagodeCompostela(Campus Lugo),27002Lugo,Spai...
We also use optional cookies for advertising, personalisation of content, usage analysis, and social media. By accepting optional cookies, you consent to the processing of your personal data - including transfers to third parties. Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with...
Our analysis indicates that the detected microbial signals are likely the result of contamination during the clinical procedures to obtain fetal samples or during DNA extraction and DNA sequencing. Furthermore, the existence of live and replicating microbial populations in healthy fetal tissues is not ...