Lee, "Improved MFCC Feature Extraction by PCA-Optimized Filter Bank for Speech Recognition," Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU, pp. 49-52, 2001.Improved MFCC feature extraction by PCA-optimized filter-bank for speech recognition,". S. Lee,S.-hau Fang,J.-weih Hung. IEEE ...
首先给定一个音频文件,通过load加载进来得到signal,shape是(m, ),m=采样率*时间,比如以下代码采样率...
Improved MFCC feature extraction combining symmetric ICA algorithm for robust speech recognition. Journal of Multimedia, 7(1), doi:10.4304/jmm.7.1.74-81Huan Zhao, Kai Zhao, He Liu, Fei Yu, Improved MFCC Feature Extraction Combining Symmetric ICA Algorithm for Robust Speech Recognition, Journal of...
Ganesan, Comparison of multidimensional MFCC feature vectors for objective assessment of stuttered dysfluencies, Int. J. Adv. Netw. Appl. 2 (5) (2011) 854-860.Ravi Kumar, K.M., Ganesan, S.: Comparison of Multidimensional MFCC Feature Vectors for Objective Assessment of Stuttered Disfluencies...
match= MFCC_feature_compare(testing_data,speakerGmm); axes(handles.axes8) plot(match); hold on title('匹配结果展示'); [max_1 index]=max(match); fprintf('\n %s',match); fprintf('\n\n\n说话人是%s。',speakerData(index).name(1:end-4)) ...
理解 librosa.feature.mfcc() 提取的特征中的参数 a,需从音频文件加载与mfcc参数入手。给定音频文件,通过 librosa 库的 load 函数加载,假设采样率默认为 22050,时长为 10.624 秒,音频信号长度 m 为采样率与时长的乘积。在 mfcc 参数中,a 即表示帧的数量。帧长与帧移是关键参数,帧长默认为...
这里的帧能量是指一帧的音量(即能量),也是语音的重要特征。 d_mfcc_feat = delta(wav_feature, 1) d_mfcc_feat2 = delta(wav_feature, 2) feature = np.hstack((wav_feature, d_mfcc_feat, d_mfcc_feat2)) 最终39维MFCC图: 附录(魔鬼写手)...
Firstly the classification performance of such systems and secondly the computing resources required to achieve a certain performance considering node level feature extraction. In this contribution we look at the balance between the two criteria by employing traditional techniques and different deep learning...
梅尔频率倒谱系数(MFCC)是广泛用于自动语音和说话者识别的功能。 将信号分成短帧。 假设音频...