% === Load wave data and do feature extraction clc,clear waveDir='机器学习\基于MFCC的GMM的说话人识别\train\'; speaker = dir(waveDir); speaker(1:25) = []; speakerNum = length(speaker);%speakerNum:人数; % === Feature extraction fprintf('\n读取语音文件并进行特征提取...\n\n'); fo...
% === Load wave data and do feature extraction clc,clear waveDir='trainning\'; speakerData = dir(waveDir); %Matlab使用dir函数获得指定文件夹下的所有子文件夹和文件,并存放在在一种为文件结构体数组中. % dir函数可以有调用方式 % dir('.') 列出当前目录下所有子文件夹和文件 % dir('G:\Matlab'...
Feature Extraction MFCC methodmatlab mfcc 提取 参数 方法 特征 关注次数: 183 下载次数: 0 文件大小: 1.92 kB 代码分类: 其他 开发平台: matlab 下载需要积分: 2积分下载代码 版权声明:如果侵犯了您的权益请与我们联系,我们将在24小时内删除。代码描述 中文说明:此代码可以帮助您应用特征提取方法。 English Desc...
二、部分源代码 function varargout=untitled(varargin)%UNTITLED MATLAB codeforuntitled.fig%UNTITLED,by itself,creates a new UNTITLED or raises the existing%singleton*.%%H=UNTITLED returns the handle to a new UNTITLED or the handle to%the existing singleton*.%%UNTITLED('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,ha...
The simulation is tested in MATLAB - SIMULINK, environment. The conception presented in this paper will be of assistance in the broad domain of speech and language processing.KAVERI WAGHMAREMIT College of EngineeringKALPANA BAPATMIT College of Engineering...
The Future of Simulink in MATLAB Simulink has been an essential tool for modeling and simulating dynamic systems... imad in Generative AI 1 1 View Post See Also MATLAB Answers how to extract mel frequency cepstral coefficients of an audio file 0 Answers Features extraction for mult...
关键词心音信号;MFCC;傅里叶变换;离散余弦变换 中图分类号TN274文献标志码A文章编号1672-738X(2021)04-0075-04 Study on MFCC Feature Parameter Extraction of Heart Sound Signal CHEN Juan (Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Jiujiang Vocational College,Jiujiang,Jiangxi332000)Abstract This ...
本设计利用MATLAB实现了一个完整的基于音频特征MFCC的说话人识别系统, 包括前期的语音处理,特征提取以及后期的模型训练,测试。在前期语音处理和 特征提取方面,使用了Mel倒谱系数(MFCC)作为特征参数,与线性预测倒谱系数 (LPCC)相比,MFCC参数的突出优点是不依赖全极点语音产生模型的假定,考虑 了人耳的听觉感知特性,抗噪声...
답변:Brian Hemmat2020년 2월 12일 Hi guys, I'm wondering, is there any function in Matlab to extract the Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and Bark Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (BFCC) from a signal. here is an example of my data ...
For recognition purpose the feature are analyzed to make decisions. In this paper implementation of Speech recognition system in MATLAB environment is explained. Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and Dynamic Time Wrapping (DTW) are two algorithms adapted for feature extraction and pattern ...