在MFC程序中,可以用以下几种方法来获取命令行参数。 为方便说明,我们假设执行了命令:C:\test\app.exe -1 -2 方法一 ::GetCommandLine(); 将获取到"C:\test\app.exe" -1 -2 方法二 for(inti=0;i<__argc;i++) { __argv[i]; 将依次得到C:\test\app.exe-1-2 } 方法三 AfxGetApp()->m_lpC...
If you want to work with the commandline in OnInitDialog() you can retrieve it with prettyprint 複製 LPTSTR pszCmdline = AfxGetApp()->m_lpCmdLine; Finally, you can also retrieve the command line using GetCommandLine and parse the returned data with CommandLineToArgvW Monday, April 3, 201...
::GetModuleHandle(NULL); 以Afx开头函数为MFC库的全局函数,如: AfxWinInit(hModule, NULL, ::GetCommandLine() 2、MFC库程序 MFC静态库 (1)创建 MFC动态库 (1)创建 MFC扩展库 (1)创建 (2)说明 扩展库只能被MFC应用调用,而且该库使用动态的MFC库 3、MFC窗口程序 单文档框架程序 (1)创建 (2)说明 参与...
#include "usemfc.h"#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){ // MFC初始化 if (!AfxWinInit(::GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, ::GetCommandLine(), 0)) return 1; CFileDialog dlg(TRUE); CString strPath; if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { strPath = dlg.GetPathName(); cout <...
* To retrieve(获取) the entire(全部) command line, use the GetCommandLine function. 1. * nCmdShow : Controls how the window is to be shown. eg. SW_HIDE, SW_MAXIMIZE 1. * 1. * return value: If the function succeeds, terminating when it receives a WM_QUIT message, ...
LPTSTR lpCommandLine, // 参数行 //下面两个参数描述了所创建的进程和线程的安全属性,如果为NULL则使用默认的安全属性 LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes, // process security attributes LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, // thread security attributes ...
#using<mscorlib.dll>using namespace System;//下列代码演示了如何使用CLR与MFC混合编程:int_tmain(int argc,TCHAR*argv[],TCHAR*envp[]){int nRetCode=0;// 初始化 MFC 并在失败时显示错误if(!AfxWinInit(::GetModuleHandle(NULL),NULL,::GetCommandLine(),0)){// TODO: 更改错误代码以符合您的需要_...
GetClientRect、GetCommandLine、GetControllingUnknown、GetDC、GetMessage、GetModuleFileName、GetObject、GetPalette、GetPaletteEntries、GetPixelFormat、GetRotation、GetVertices、glBegin、glClearColor、GLdouble CoCreateInstance、glEnable、glEnd、glFlush、glGetIntegerv、glInitNames、glLightfv、glLightModelfv、glLoadIdentity、g...
Aids in parsing the command line at application startup.CCommonDialog Class The base class for classes that encapsulate functionality of the Windows common dialogs.CConnectionPoint Class Defines a special type of interface used to communicate with other OLE objects, called a "connection point."C...