Metopic suture craniosynostosis: An analysis of associated congenital malformationsdoi:10.1016/j.joms.2004.05.192ChristopherCuomoandA.RitterandR.L.RuizandA.SDOSJournal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
OBJECTIVECraniosynostosis is a congenital disorder resulting from the premature fusion of cranial sutures in the infant skull. This condition results in significant cosmetic deformity and can impede neurodevelopment, if left untreated. Currently, rates of craniometric change following minimally invasive ...
Endoscopy-assisted early correction of single-suture metopic craniosynostosis: a 19-year experience.doi:10.3171/2018.6.PEDS1749David F JimenezMichael J McGinityConstance M BaroneJ Neurosurg Pediatr
Fronto-orbital advancement for coronal and metopic suture craniosynostosisdoi:10.1016/j.ijom.2017.02.172RuizR.L.International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Craniosynostosisfronto-orbital advancementkeel skullplagiocephalySaethre-Chotzen syndrometrigonocephalyObjectives: The objective is to describe a new surgical procedure developed in the San Jose Pediatric University Hospital for the management of syndromic synostosis of the metopic suture in a patient ...