Introduction: In the fetal skull, the two halves of the frontal bone are separated by the frontal suture, and they remain separate until approximately 6 years of age. In some adults the separation line persists as the metopic suture. The metopic sutures are vertical sutures...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook metopic Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia me·top·ic (mə-tŏp′ĭk) adj. Of or relating to the forehead. [Greekmetōpikos, frommetōpon,forehead:meta,between; seemeta-+ōps, ōp-,eye; seeokw...
The incidence of metopism was observed more in child age group i.e. 100% in 0-5 years & 80% in 6-10 years as compare to the adults and old age groups i.e. 3.4% in 41-50 years. Conclusion: The presence of metopic suture simulates the fracture of frontal bone, therefore it ...