Metopism isthe condition of having a persistent metopic suture, or persistence of the frontal metopic suture in the adult human skull. ... Metopism is the opposite of craniosynostosis. What causes Metopism? It forms fromthe lack of union of the two frontal bones during embryonic development. ...
In addition to disfigurement, children with craniosynostosis experience significant cognitive dysfunction later in life. Surgery is performed in infancy to correct skull deformity; however, the field is at a crossroads regarding the best approach for correction. Since the cause of......
The Southcote Primary schoolboy was born with metopic craniosynostosis in October 2010, which meant that his skull had fused before birth - something that usually happens after head growth has finished. The future Reading FC goalkeeper who had his skull broken by doctors as a baby; Logan Edwards...
Craniosynostosis surgeryChildrenCranial defectPURPOSE: The material of choice for filling cranial defects is autologous split calvarial bone. Up to now, the thin calvarial bone and lack of diploic space in very young children has led surgeons to believe that harvesting of split calvarial grafts can ...
Introduction: The purpose of this study is to understand the neurological differences between patients born with combined sagittal and metopic craniosynostosis (SMc) and isolated sagittal craniosynostosis (ISc) by studying aberrations in functional brain connectivity and white matter microstructure, before ...
MetopicUnicoronalLambdoidOpen surgeryMinimally invasiveCraniosynostosis is a congenital condition characterized by the premature fusion of cranial sutures, disrupting normal skull and potentially brain growth. The current gold standard for nonsyndromic single-suture craniosynostosis is open cranial vault ...